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“Who would you tell your dirty fantasies to then?” Kandy throws me a saucy wink before moving to return to her desk. “Everyone needs a friend like me. And you’re welcome.”

It looks like I have a choice to make. Could today be the day I take what I want?

There are two things you should know about me. I’m not entirely shy about what I want, just publicly reserved for the most part. And, if it’s not apparent already I want nothing more than to give my body to men I can’t have. Now I just need to figure out what to do about it.



The elevator arrives and as soon as I’m inside, I take a deep, steadying breath. I lean in and rest my forehead on the cool steel of the metal box. It helps settle the warring thoughts rattling around in my head. Seven floors down and I could face my fantasies head-on. I study the floor numbers, my fingers hovering, as the doors jostle and move to close. All I would have to do is use my executive key to reach their private floor, walk in, strip and hello kinky four-some sex.

A strum of excitement fills me when a strong, masculine hand wraps around the edge of the elevator door. I recognize the white, razor-thin scar across the lower part of his fingers and pull my lips between my teeth to hide a smile.

Seth pushes the partially-closed elevator doors open with effortless ease. The panty-melting trio, as I like to call them, is off-duty, so I didn’t think they’d spot me when I left my mother’s office, but I should know better given how hyper-alert the three men are of my comings and goings.

“Ms. Thorne. Mind if I join you?” he asks from his position outside the elevator. Ever the gentleman. God, what I wouldn’t give for him to ravish me. Pull back the layers of all that corporate etiquette he uses and show me the dirty talking alpha SEAL underneath.

I perceive the heat coming off his body though he’s not entered the elevator yet and can’t keep myself from drinking in the way all that black tailored material clings to all the right spots on the man.

Speak, Justice.

“Um, sure. Room for everyone.” I look around Seth’s shoulder for the other two who are usually not far behind.

Seth cants his head, studies my face the way I do contracts and slowly offers a small, rare smile. “I’ll see you to your car, Ms. Thorne. Lucian and Jacob are busy at the moment.”

Ms. Thorne?Damn, that’s going to creep into my dreams tonight. The deep roughness makes me shiver.

“Oh,” I say a little too breathlessly.

Not that I need the escort, but I don’t mind the company.

I breathe deeply when the rest of the man comes into view, bringing with him the most masculine scent ever to fill my lungs. It’s rich, intoxicating and 100% male. He’s six-feet-plus of pure power and intent wrapped in a finely tailored suit my mother insists all her hired security detail wear.

His eyes are a vivid gold, stark against thick jet-black hair he keeps neatly trimmed and perfectly combed. He has one of those hard jawlines that catches all the light and shadow giving him an intimidating, lethal appearance. All of them do. The aura of danger about him has scared off more than one friend in the past. Frankly, having all three in a room tends to suck all the oxygen out of the space. I don’t know much about the trio’s history, but I do know being former U.S. SEALs lends to a past that scars a man.

Seth is tall, by no means leananywhereand has a muscular build that reminds me of a pro wrestler. How he manages to move with such fluid grace I’ve never seen in a man his size leaves me awake long into the night.

He’s like a puzzle I have a driving need to figure out. Fascinating.

“You’re just in time, by the way. Maybe I can steal you, Lucian and Jacob away for an early dinner for four? I’ll cook.” I keep it light. I mean, I don’t think it would be classy of me to blurt out I want him and his friends to pop my cherry for dessert. Though I’m thinking it, I was raised better than that.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy him standing close. Feel the warmth of his iron-hard body against mine. Just a little. I close the gap between us as the elevator seals us in. There’s a bulge near both of his arms where I know he carries his weapons, but my eyes are drawn south to another kind of bulge.

All three of them have worked on showing indifference when it comes to me. But when Seth runs a hand over his face, for the first time I see something other than pure control flash across his constantly schooled expression.

“Justice,” he drawls out in the most wet-my-panties deep voice that has me biting back a combination of a groan and lust-induced shudder. His expression gives so little away. He’s not too much of a talker, never had to be. But the way he angles his massive body in my direction tells me he likes the idea of sharing body heat as much as I do with him.

Like I’ve repeatedly explained to Kandy, body language speaks louder than endless words. But she doesn’t believe me so misses the clues her sexy U.S. Navy stepbrother has the hots for her.

Then it happens. Life is a crazy thing. One second it’s lemons and in the next…

And in the next, I’m spilling my coffee down the front of my shirt when the elevator jostles us. It splashes all over me, and the empty cup topples to the floor. From one second to the next my very white almost transparent blouse is covered in coffee and sugar. From sexy boss’ daughter to frumpled wallflower.

Nice, Justice. Real sexy.

As my cheeks flush I grumble, “Crap!” I grab for napkins in my bag and start to clean up.

“Here. Give it to me.” Callused fingers wrap around my hand as Seth takes the napkins from me and makes quick work of soaking up what my clothes didn’t. His hands move over my soaked breasts, and my body doesn’t register the difference between him cleaning coffee off me and himtouchingme.
