Page 17 of Leo

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Gracie frowned as the delicious taste of cheese and garlic lost its appeal. Her mother was going to miss her and— She inhaled deeply. Margo was going to miss all the things Gracie did for her, and she was willing to bet the woman’s attempt at kindness tonight wasn’t genuine. It was a manipulation tactic to get Gracie to keep waiting on her and paying the bills. Sadness filled her, but even though she felt sympathy for her mother, it wasn’t going to stop Gracie from finally moving out on her own.

“Yes,” she said. “I’m glad we have each other. You’ll still have me for holidays after I move out, too.”

Margo clucked her tongue. “Really, Gracie. It’s time you give up on that idea. You belong at home with me.”

Gracie opened her mouth to fight back but then thought better of it. She sighed, and to avoid ruining the night, she said, “You might be right.” It wasn’t a lie. There was a small fear that she was making a mistake, but Gracie knew that had a lot to do with her anxiety about change and very little to do with reality. Leo had come into her life, and it was time to be the woman she was meant to be. She lifted her glass. “To the future.”

Margo smiled and tapped her champagne flute against her daughter’s. “And us. You’re a good daughter, Gracie.”

Gracie smiled as if the words had touched her heart. But she knew they were hollow. It didn’t matter though, because her heart was full of love for Leo.



Leo stompedhis boots on the front porch as he waited for the door to Gracie’s new house to open. The place was an old A-frame style ski house that had been expanded over the years, leaving the peak of the old cabin sticking up in the middle of a more traditional roof. The icicle lights along the roof lines glowing in the night made Leo think of the heartbeat line of an EKG and the way his heart jumped every time he saw Gracie.

A petite brunette answered the door and gazed up at him. “You have to be Leo. Come on in. I’m Kate, Henry’s girlfriend.”

“I know who you are,” Leo said. He smiled warmly at her as he stepped into the house. “Henry’s told me a lot about you.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you, too. Gracie’s in the kitchen.”

From the scent in the air, Leo knew they were having roast turkey, and he was pleased to see there was going to be plenty of pie when he noticed the pie plates on the counter along with a pile of apples and baking supplies. Gracie turned to him in an apron with a rolling pin in her hand. A huge smile covered her face. “Hi.”

“You didn’t tell me you were a baker.”

“I haven’t told you a lot of things yet.”

She walked over to him and he leaned down to kiss her. “I look forward to hearing them all.”

“Good. Because I’ve already had a glass of Kate’s Christmas punch, and I’m a little tipsy. The next thing you know you won’t be able to shut me up.”

He gazed into her blue eyes and marveled at how much love was warming his heart and how badly he wanted to do more than kiss her. He seemed to fall more in love with Gracie every time he saw her. “You sure about that? Because I can think of a way.”

She glanced at him with a sly smile. “Once I finish this pie, I’ll show you my room.”

Gracie had told him at work that she was moving into Henry’s house today. He went to stand behind her and placed his hands lightly on her hips as her rolling pin thumped softly on the dough before she rolled it. “Do you need any help getting things out of your car?”

She shook her head. “I only brought a couple bags I could carry myself. But I may want your help when I get the rest of my things.”

He nuzzled her neck with his nose to drink in the delectable scent of her. “Um-hm.”

She giggled and twisted to face him. “Go get some punch and catch up to me.”

“You sure you want me to do that? Because I don’t get more talkative when I drink. I getfrisky.”

Her cheeks flushed red before she turned her attention back to her pie. She spoke softly. “Get some punch.”

Leo raised his eyebrows because he thought she was telling him she had plans for him later. Maybe Donna and Richard had nothing to worry about after all. He was all for that idea and walked over to the punch bowl on the kitchen table. The ladle clinked against the bowl as he scooped red liquid into one of the glasses that had been set out. He noticed Gracie was peeling an apple with a paring knife, and he walked back to her. “I can do that for you if you want to roll out the top pie crust.”

“That would be great.” Gracie handed him the knife. “I made blueberry and cherry too. What’s your favorite?”


“Huh. I would have pegged you for an apple guy. But don’t worry, my blueberry pie will be the best you ever had.”

“Confidence,” Leo teased. “I like it, but I have to warn you, I come from a long line of blueberry pie makers. You’re up against stiff competition.”
