Page 29 of Leo

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“I’ll settle for a handshake,” he said.

Todd stayed with her while they ate, and then she excused herself to find Kate. But Henry found her first. He grabbed her hand. “You have to see the stars.”

They stepped outside on the back porch and Gracie gazed up into a dark-blue sky with stars shining brightly. “It’s so pretty.”

The deck spanned the back of the house, and Henry took her to the edge of the porch that was away from the keg. “I realize this is a hard time for you, but I can barely keep my secret. I’m going to ask Kate to marry me.”

“What? Oh my gosh, Henry!”

He chuckled. “Think she’ll say yes?”

“She will. I’m so excited for you two.”

“Thanks.” He frowned. “You don’t think it’s too soon for Kate, do you? Because I can’t imagine my life without her.”

Gracie shook her head. “She’s completely in love with you, too.”

Henry said, “I know it sounds crazy but I’m sure she’s my soul mate. Since our first date, I’ve known she was the other half of me I didn’t realize I was looking for.”

“Aww, you are so sweet. I think you’re right. I knew you before Kate came along.”

“I was kind of grumpy, wasn’t I?”

Gracie smiled because he did get cranky often before he met Kate. “A little. You are definitely much happier with her in your life. I’m glad you found the woman who makes you feel complete.”

“And you were happier with Leo inyourlife.”

Gracie’s throat tightened.

He put his arm around her shoulders and hugged her. “Sorry, I don’t mean to… Did you see that?”

A streak of white had slashed through the sky, and Gracie said, “A shooting star!”

“Make a wish.”

Gracie immediately wished for a way to be with Leo and then chastised herself for not picking something more attainable.

Henry asked, “What did you wish for?”

She ignored his question and teased, “I bet you wished for Kate to say yes.”

“I didn’t need to. My friend Gracie told me she would.” Gracie smiled, and Henry said, “I wished that you would realize that Leo is your soul mate.”


“You’re miserable. And I’ve never seen you happier than when you’re with Leo. That man looks at you as if there’s nobody else in the world. He told me that he knew from the first time he saw you that you were his forever.”

She couldn’t argue with that now that she understood about true mates.

“I don’t know what happened between you two,” Henry said. “But I do know he’s the man for you, Gracie. Find a way to forgive the person you belong with, because this kind of happiness doesn’t come along every day.” He chuckled. “Don’t be a grumpy Henry. Go get your other half back.”

She gave him a weak smile.

“I’m going back inside. You coming?”

While it was cold, Gracie wasn’t ready to go back to the party. “I’m going to stay out here a little while longer.”

Henry nodded before he left her.
