Page 6 of Leo

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“The new guy is nice,” Henry said. “You wouldn’t think it because of his size, but he’s a softie when it comes to kids. We saw a woman with a herd of children trying to get them ready to go outside, and Leo dropped down to one knee to zip up a toddler’s coat for her as if he did things like that all the time.”

Gracie’s heart stopped when it occurred to her why that might be. “Maybe he’s a dad.”

“Nope. I asked,” Henry said. “He’s single.” He bumped her shoulder with his. “You should go for it.”

“What?” Gracie shook her head. The pretty girls had already set their sights on Leo, which meant she didn’t stand a chance.

“Don’t you dare say you’re not good enough, Gracie Templeton. The guy already thinks you’re hot.”

“He does not.” They had reached the flight of stairs leading down to the employee parking lot, and their feet made the metal ring as they thumped down them.

“No?” Henry said. “Then why did he walk right up to you to introduce himself as if nobody else was around?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because I screamed outWowwhen I saw him.”

Henry chuckled. “You didn’t scream it. And he thought it was cute.”

She kicked a chunk of snow as her cheeks burned. “Or he wanted to make a joke of it.”

“Shut up, girl! Jeez.” Henry paused to let her walk first between two parked cars. “First off, Leo isn’t one of the mean girls, and second, when Fiona asked him about his relationship status, he physically stepped away from her like he was trying to make it clear he had no interest in her. That’s because he’s into you, Gracie.” Henry jumped in front of her so they were face to face, and he grinned. “And you’d be a fool not to act on it.”

Gracie’s heart pounded with excitement, but then reality set in to muffle the joy. She’d had a few brief relationships over the years, but she spent more time crushing on fictional guys in romance books because they were safe. She moved to walk around Henry. “Like I have the first clue about how to go after a guy.”

He grabbed her arm to make her stop moving. “You don’t need to play games. Be yourself, because that’s what he’s attracted to.”

“Okay,” she said. She wanted to believe Henry was right that it could be that simple, but history told her otherwise. Gracie was sure one of the pretty girls was going to snatch Leo up before she had a chance.



The scentof fresh pine from the boughs on the sleigh filled the air in the patroller’s garage, and bells jingled as Leo and Henry tied them to the greenery. The employees dressed as reindeer would ski with the sleigh down the beginner trail above the lodge. The sleigh had been built out of plywood and sat atop two ski patrol rescue toboggans, which two patrollers dressed as elves would man from behind to control the speed of their descent.

Leo took the opportunity to press Henry for information about Gracie. He said, “Have you known Gracie long?”

Henry looked up from the end of the sleigh where he was working. “A few years now, but we’ve become closer since she started working in guest services this year. Sweet woman.”

“She seems it.” Leo moved closer to Henry. “Although, a little shy.”

Henry chuckled. “She is shy, and she’s single if that’s what you’re trying to find out.”

Leo smiled. “Pretty transparent, aren’t I?”

“You don’t hold much back, and honestly, I think Gracie needs a guy like you in her life.”

“Why do you say that?” He snipped a section of wire from the spool.

Henry shrugged. “She’s a great person who deserves to be happy, but she doesn’t seek things for herself.” He sighed. “I think her mother is part of the problem. I tried to get Gracie to take one of the spots in the house where I live with my girlfriend and two other guys. I thought it might help to bring her out of her shell, but she said she couldn’t leave her mother on her own. I didn’t press, but I heard through the grapevine that her mom would be just fine without Gracie. She just manipulates her into thinking she can’t leave.”

Donna and Richard had mentioned that Gracie’s mom was needy in an unhealthy way. “Gracie shouldn’t have to fight to live her own life.”

“I know.” Henry grabbed another bell from the pile on the ground. “But she’s the kind of woman who takes care of people.”

“It sounds to me like she might need someone to come along and take care of her.”

“Exactly, Leo.” Henry narrowed his eyes at him. “She’s not someone you fool around with though. Got it? Because I don’t care how big you are, I’d kick your ass if you hurt Gracie.”

Leo nodded. Henry was a good friend to Gracie, and he appreciated the guy looking out for her. That was why he shared something he probably shouldn’t. “I have no plans to play around with Gracie. I can’t explain it, but the moment I saw her, I knew we were supposed to be together.” He chuckled. “I probably shouldn’t tell her that yet, huh?”
