Page 18 of Scythe's Grasp

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“What I mean is, when I’m racing or doing other things, I feel pressured when I know a bunch of people are watching me and expecting me to win. I end up freezing up and not doing my best,” she explains, toying with another fry.

“Jos, you just need to focus and block out everything else,” I tell her, grabbing her hand. “Tomorrow, when you’re on that track, forget everyone is there. Hell, if you want, I’ll talk to Reaper and tell him to keep everyone back enough, so you don’t have to worry about if you’ll see them.”

“Jamie told me the same thing about focusing and blocking everything else out,” she murmurs, giving me a slight smile.

“It’s true.” I lean in and press a kiss to her lips. “Now finish eating so I can get back to having my wicked way with you.”

“Um, Scythe?” She bites her lower lip, and a blush tinges on her cheeks.

“What, baby?”

“I’m kinda sore right now.”

I knew she would be. That’s why I intend to make her a bath and take care of her by massaging her. Then I’m going to feast on her until she comes all over again for me. There’s a lot more I want to do, but it’ll wait until later.

Nodding at her food, I grin. “Eat up, Freckles. I’m about to show you that there’s more than one way to be wicked with you.”



“Mom, when are you guys heading back out?” I ask while restocking the back shelves of the salon.

We’ve been back in town for a week now, and since getting back, my parents have also decided they were going to park their RV in my driveway. The two of them said they just missed home and being around me. But I swear they’re driving me up the wall. With them here, I haven’t been able to spend hardly any time alone with Scythe.

After the weekend we had, I wanted nothing more than to be alone with him. At the same time, weary of the two of us going further. While in that hotel room, Scythe nearly drove me insane with desire from his touch. The way he used his hands. That mouth of his. And another appendage altogether. He’s remarkable in the bed and outside of it. I would never have thought his dominating ways could be so enticing, but the way he controls my body at any time keeps my heart beating with such enthusiasm.

It’s like, with one look, I’m ready to melt into him, and honestly it kind of scares me. The sensations are nearly too much, and he keeps pushing, sending me spiraling. So much so I love it, but more than I don’t think I can be without it.

“We’ll be heading out soon enough,” Mom answers, pulling me out of my thoughts. She turns to me and gives me that smile of hers that always made me feel safe growing up. “What’s the rush?”

“Nothing. I just figured you guys would be ready to head out for the next grand adventure.” I shrug, not wanting to get her started on Scythe. The woman isn’t ashamed of talking about sex with her kids. Hell, she and my dad would make out right in the kitchen, thankfully, they’d keep it minimal when we were around, but that didn’t mean we didn’t walk in on them.

It’s why I’ve always wanted a love like theirs. To me, it’s a beautiful thing, and I love it.

“Your dad and I have been discussing it,” she admits. “As much as we love traveling, we’re thinking of taking a break. Buying a little house and staying awhile.”

My jaw nearly drops at the news, and I twist to look at her with wide eyes. “You’re moving back?”

“I believe we are.” She beams. “Will that be a problem? I mean, if I decide to be here at the salon.” She turns to face me completely, and I follow suit, holding several bottles of toner in my hands.

“Mom, you being here would be great,” I answer honestly. “You might have given the place to me and Jamie, but he didn’t want it, just wanted to get his profits as a silent partner. Having you here just means I get to work with you again.”

Granted, when I worked with her, I wasn’t doing hair yet, but rather cleaning and managing the phones. Then for a few months, after I became a certified cosmetologist and she got to see my work, she decided to retire.

“Good, then it’s settled,” Mom says and goes back to work stocking the shelves.

A knock on the door gets our attention. Cocking my head in that direction, I find Zoe, my receptionist, standing in the doorway, holding a box of chocolates and a card.

“These just dropped off for you, JoJo,” she announces.

Handing my mom the bottles, I furrow my brow and take the items from Zoe. “Do you know who dropped this off?”

“Came by courier. Someone must be missing you.” Zoe giggles and heads back to the front.

“I’ll be right back,” I tell Mom and go into my office. If Scythe sent me something, I want to see what it is in the card without anyone around. Who knows what he could have put in there.

Sitting at my desk, I open the chocolates and bite into one, moaning at how good it tastes. The creme inside it just melts in my mouth. Opening the card, I scan over it and smile at what it says.
