Page 3 of Scythe's Grasp

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“Take one guess,” Hellhound says, glancing over to where Josephine is sitting. “Isabelle is upset because she found out today that Jos has been spending a lot of time at the mud park. When she’s not there she’s with the guy she’s dating.”

“And that bothers the girls, why?” Beast chuckles.

“Because they all used to go to the mud parks together. They didn’t go alone, which I get. It’s reckless to go without people with you. She could get hurt,” Tombstone grumbles and shoots me a look. “You know she told them she’s gonna be going to some big mudding event in a week. She didn’t tell them, another friend of theirs did.”

“What’s the big deal?” Harvester asks, peeking over at Josephine and then back at me.

“They think she’s being reckless and doing shit that she normally wouldn’t be,” Hellhound answers and sighs.

A moment later, Saylor places a beer in front of me and hands one to the other two men. “Anyone else?” she asks, looking around the table.

“We’re good,” Styxx answers. “Thanks, babe.”

Nodding, she takes off. We all end up talking, changing the subject from Josephine, which I’m grateful for, but my mind still goes back to the fact the ol’ ladies, who are her best of friends, think she’s being reckless. But why?

I make a mental note to look into it. Maybe even confront her myself.

As that thought pops into my head, movement catches my eye and I twist enough to watch as a man, possibly my height with a close crop, heads in Josephine’s direction. There’s no denying he’s heading to her, not with the way he’s watching her. I sit up and am at the ready, watching. The guy says something, and Josephine turns, sees who it is and smiles brightly.

That smile is like a punch to my gut. Jealousy eats at my stomach when she jumps off her stool and rushes to the guy before throwing herself in his arms.

What the fuck is that?

Anger boils in my veins and if I stay here watching this, I’ll end up doing something I have no right to do.

Shoving myself out of my seat, I ignore my brothers’ protest and questions as I storm out of the pub. I’ve gotta find my control before it snaps. I can handle seeing her with that tool. This new guy, I don’t know who the fuck he is, but the way Josephine threw herself at him, pisses me the hell off.

* * *

My anger doesn’t subside, and I find myself glutton for punishment by driving by Josephine’s. I debated actually going up to the house. But rather than doing that, I sit just out of sight and watch the house. The lights are on and there’s a bike parked next to her truck.

In all the time I’ve known Josephine, I hadn’t heard about her having guys at her place. Then again, I didn’t really pay any mind to it before. I’m sure this is because I didn’t see anyone as a threat.

I think that’s what pisses me off the most.

I don’t want her, but I also don’t want anyone else to have her either. I know it’s fucked up. If it weren’t for her being the way she is, sweet, innocent, a good girl, I wouldn’t feel this way. I don’t want to stain her with the blood on my hands. Or darken her life with the past of mine. She’s special and doesn’t need that kind of bullshit.

Seeing the lights flicker out, I clench my jaw so tight I’m surprised my teeth don’t shatter.

I’m going to have to find out who the fuck he is and then figure out a way to get him away from Josephine.



Last night went from being horrible with a date that was boring and knowing Scythe was close, to being amazing. I didn’t think Jamie could have surprised me, but he did. I haven’t seen my brother in so long. It feels good to set eyes on him. With him always away on a mission with the Marines, I never see him.

It sucks, but we still find out ways to contact each other. Usually, it’s only through email, but that’s okay. We keep each other in the loop.

Still, I can’t believe he showed up at Keeper’s Pub. He looks great with his hair somewhat longish on the top but shaved on the sides, close to what I would say a high and tight should look like. I might be his sister, but I’m not blind, I know my brother is a hottie. Just as my friends know he is. What makes him even more so are the tattoos running up both his arms and now he’s got a new addition to his neck.

I didn’t know that they allowed you to have tats showing in the military. I’ll have to ask him about it this morning.

Getting out of bed, I do my business and head straight for the coffee pot.

“You’re up early,” Jamie grunts the moment I step into the kitchen.

I yawn and mimic him as I pour my own cup of coffee. Everyone knows I’m not someone you talk to until I get my first cup in me. Lifting the steaming mug to my lips I take that first sip and sigh. Heaven.I also look to where my brother is sitting at the table and go to join him. I drink down more of the dark brew before I set the cup down and stare at my brother, waiting.
