Page 38 of Scythe's Grasp

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“Then we’ll buy it.”


I press my lips to hers, stopping her protest. “We’re buying it. You and me. I told you you’re mine. We’re living together, and I’m not letting you go. Now that’s out of the way, what I want to talk to you about is, we’re no longer on lockdown and you can go back to work, but you’ll do it with a prospect on you. I don’t want you going anywhere without him, one of the members of the club, or me. You got me?”

“I don’t know if I’m ready to go back to work.”

I notice the apprehension in her voice, but I know she’s got to do this. She needs to go to work, get back to normal. She should have already been doing it, but with lockdown she hasn’t been able to.

“Baby, it’ll do you good.”

“Okay.” She nods. “I’ll start back on Monday.”

That was just a couple of days away, and it would be just fine with me. This means I can have her all to myself for a little bit longer. Maybe take her back to the cabin and spend time alone, together without anyone around to mess with us.



I park my truck in my spot behind the salon and stare straight ahead. It’s been a while since I’ve been back. Not that anything actually happened here, but whoever wanted to take me, started it all here. They drugged me, and if I hadn’t left the salon, who knows what would have happened.

I take a breath, turn the truck off, and get out. As much as I’d like nothing more than to go back to the cabin where Scythe and I spent the past few days, I can’t. I have to let go of the anxiety and move forward. Nothing is going to happen to me. Scythe will make sure of it. The club will keep me safe. I have a prospect with me today, and he’ll keep a lookout. If something seems amiss, he’ll let me know.

Taking the time to scan my surroundings, I make my way into the salon. I’m the first one here, but that’s okay. With not having been around, I want to make sure everything is in order. I don’t have any appointments scheduled for the day, but I’ll be able to take on the walk-ins, and keep my girls who work for me from being swamped. No matter how many make appointments, there are always those who walk in thinking they can get in right away. I always make them wait and fit them in where I can. I refuse to upset any of my customers, but when you make an appointment, the way I see it, they come first. No matter what.

In my office, I put my purse away, pocket my phone, and head to the storage room to ensure we’re stocked. I know my mom’s been around and she knows what she’s doing, but I like to make sure.Finding everything as I should, I sigh and head to the salon area. I check over my station and sit in the chair, looking in the mirror. I take a good look at my hair and wonder if I should do something different with it.

My phone rings before I can make a decision about it. Lifting one hip, I pull it out of my back pocket to find it’s Porter calling me. I furrow a brow and wonder what he’s calling me for. I haven’t spoken to him in a while. Not since Jamie intervened.

Sighing, I swipe a finger across the screen, answering. “Hey, Porter. How are you?”

“I haven’t heard from you in a while and thought I’d check on you, see if you wanted to get coffee or something.”

I shake my head and sigh deeply, not wanting to hurt his feelings. Though I don’t think he has any that can be hurt in the first place. Well, unless it’s his ego. “I’m sorry, Porter, but I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” he asks, sounding surprised. “Thought we had something good.”

“Honestly, no, we didn’t.” I keep to honesty, knowing no matter how harsh it may be, it’s for the best. “You and I weren’t working out. I’m not into you, and I don’t think I ever was.”

“Right,” he huffs. “Let me guess. It’s that dude that’s in that fucking motorcycle club, isn’t it?”

Rolling my eyes, I straighten in my seat. “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes, it’s Scythe, and he’s the one I’ve been wanting to be with, so now I am. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be going. I’m sorry if this hurts you in some way, but with your looks, I’m sure you’ll find someone.”

I pull the phone away from my ear and hang up without listening further to him, but I did hear him start to say something. I give a shake of my head and toss my phone next to the blow dryer and curling iron. I get out of my seat, grab the scissors, and stare at myself in the mirror. No reason not to give myself a trim. It’s been a while, and I could do with a bit of work to my hair. Maybe I’ll even give myself bangs. Not thick, just something that will emphasize my features a little more.

* * *

Around ten, the other stylists show and start setting up as the clients make their way inside. I finished my hair earlier and it looks absolutely great with the fresh waves and trim. I did my bangs perfectly to fall lightly over my forehead. I can’t wait for Scythe to see it when I get back to him later. He texted me earlier saying he missed me, which I found sweet.

I know he’s not a mushy kind of guy, but when he takes the time to reach out and say something so simple, I know he means it. During our days secluded at the cabin, we’d gone swimming, lounged in front of a fire, and simply enjoyed being together. He told me more stories about his life growing up. It’s been on the tip of my tongue to call him by his actual name, but I respect him enough to not, considering he doesn’t believe he is that person anymore. But he is, he just needs time.

Thirty minutes after opening, everything goes from normal to complete chaos when the slut, Slick, comes in, acting like she owns the place. Her eyes narrow in on me, and she stomps up to me.

“If you’re here for a hair appointment, you’ll need to check in with reception,” I inform her, being as professional as I can be.

“You know I don’t see what Scythe sees in you,” Slick sneers. “You’re nothing more than a country bumpkin.”

“Excuse me?” I blink, unsure if I should be insulted by her calling me a country bumpkin or not. I mean, if it comes down to picking between being that or a slut, I’ll totally be a bumpkin.
