Page 121 of Diamond Devil

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I meet his gaze and he meets mine. Neither one of us can look away. I can see his demons wrestling inside those captivating eyes. He’s tried to hide them from me, but I know they’re there.

That’s what happens when you let someone under your skin. You give them a power over you that can be dangerous and destructive.

It can also be freeing.

His jaw clenches as he pulls me harder on him. The muscles of his arms flex as he holds me down on his cock and grinds, ripping a groan from me. I trace a thumb against his lips and he sucks on the tip, making my inner walls ripple tightly up and down his cock with every pulse of that wicked mouth.

“Fuck…” he growls. Inside of me, I feel him twitch and explode. His fingers dig into my hips almost painfully, but the heat filling me and the orgasm curling my toes erases everything but pure pleasure.

He collapses back onto the grass, pulling me with him. His arm drapes around my back, his hand strokes along my spine, and my head presses over his heart. I close my eyes and listen as the wild pounding gradually slows to a steady throb.

He kept his promise. In this moment, no one else exists.

It’s just him and me.



She lies on my chest for what seems like forever. I’m not mad about it. In fact, I’m doing everything I can do to keep her from moving.

The sky overhead is an ocean of black. Only when the first stars begin to light themselves does Taylor lift her head from my chest and look at me.

She doesn’t quite smile, but it’s the closest thing to it I’ve seen on her in a while. When I run my hand down her back, I realize she’s covered in goosebumps.

“You’re cold.”

I wrap my arms around her and roll us onto our sides. The grass is comfortingly soft, but I still wish there was a bed beneath us. And blankets. She deserves both.


She nods meekly. “Yes.”

I’m not used to her being this quiet. I tuck a stray lock of her hair back into place. “Are you okay?”

She rests her forehead against my chest for a moment. The heat of her exhale blooms across my skin. “I think so,” she says at last. “Just…processing.”

“Don’t work too hard. You’ll give yourself a migraine.”

“Things are simpler for you,” she sighs. “You don’t love Celine the way I do.”

I had hoped for more time to pass before we mentioned her name. But Taylor’s family takes up every second thought in her head. There is no way we could avoid this for long.

“Maybe not. But I do care about her.”

She sighs. “Perversely, that helps. Just a little.”



Taylor jerks upright and looks around for her clothes in a panic before whoever just yelled my name arrives. “Shit, shit,shit!” I pick up her discarded panties and pass them to her as she scrambles clumsily to her feet.

She’s just barely rearranged herself to something passable when Dima appears on the curved path encircling the hill upon which the oak tree stands.

“There you…” He trails off when he notices Taylor. “Oh. Uh, sorry to interrupt—”

“You weren’t interrupting anything,” Taylor blurts a little too emphatically.
