Page 136 of Diamond Devil

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“Which time?”

The lines in her forehead only deepen. “Oh, God…” she mutters, dropping her face into her hands. I pull her body against mine and she shudders. “I know it sounds stupid, considering what we just did, but we can’t actually spend the night together. I know Celine’s not waking up, but…it still feels wrong to share a bed.”

I nod, loosening my grip on her just enough to tell her that I’m listening. “We won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

She sighs, but it’s more of a tired sound than a relieved one. “Thank you.”

“I have an idea.”

There’s nothing I want more than to make her forget about all the imagined consequences she’s dreading. Well, that’s not true—there’s one thing I want more: to do what we just did again and again and again.

The way she rode me…the way she came on top of me…

I’ll remember that shit to my dying day.

“Uh-oh,” Taylor says. “What idea?”

“Let’s go away for a while.”


“Just for a few nights. Somewhere quiet and remote. Just the two of us.”

Her eyes brighten. But something’s holding her back. “That sounds nice, but… I don’t know. It feels so selfish to leave everything behind and go.”

I bring my lips so close to her face that I’m in danger of kissing her all over again. But I hold back, as fucking impossible as that feels. I want her to hear this.

“I don’t care,” I growl. “I want to be selfish for a little bit, and I want to be selfish with you. Unless you’re gonna stand there and tell me that you don’t want me?”

“I think what just happened between us is proof that I do want you,” she says tentatively. “That’s exactly the problem.”

“Then let’s go. I want to be able to touch you whenever the fuck I please,” I croon, backing her into the door. “I want to be able to kiss you, and hold you, and fuck you whenever and wherever and however I damn well want.”

My hand traces up her thigh as I speak. Taylor shivers against me and her lips part in a soft, silent exhale. She presses a hand to my chest, but she’s not even remotely convincing when she tries to push me away.

I grab her by the wrist. “If you don’t want it, then say that. Look me in the eyes and lie to me, Taylor. If you say that, I’ll relent. If you don’t…”

She chews at her lip for a long time before she finally drags her gaze up to mine. “Okay,” she murmurs. “Let’s go.”

I nod and step away, giving her the space I don’t think she actually wants. “Good. I’m glad we settled that. We’ll leave in the morning.”

“What about my father, Ilarion?” she asks suddenly. “He’s still with that lunatic.”

“Don’t worry,” I assure her. “I’ve already set things in motion to get him back. I’ve got it under control. Just…trust me.”

She hesitates for a moment, as though she’s trying to figure out how to tell me that’s the last thing she should let herself do. Then she nods. “I do trust you.”

I smile. “Good.”

“What happened today?” she asks. “The meeting with Benedict?”

“He did what he always does,” I say with a shrug of my good shoulder. “He went back on his word.”

She brushes her fingers gingerly down my bandaged arm. My cock twitches back to life, and all I want to do is carry her into her room and fuck her on the bed.Mybed.

“Does that mean you fought him while he was armed? And you weren’t?”

I give her as carefree of a smirk as I can, given the circumstances and the hammering pulse in my veins. “Something like that.”
