Page 87 of Diamond Devil

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This is only just beginning.



My heartbeat is physically painful as it thrums against my chest. It hurts even when I swallow.

“Get a hold of yourself, Taylor!” I hiss under my breath.

But now that the panic has taken hold, it’s not as easy to push off. I’ve spent the last few minutes in the broom closet opposite the den where Ilarion, Dima, and Mira were just arguing.

I had to take cover when Dima left the room, which means I have no idea what they’ve decided. Is Mila going with them? Is Ilarion serious about getting Celine back? Who wrote the note with the location?

There’s only one thing I know for certain anymore, and that’s that I do not trust Ilarion. All my worst instincts about him turned out to be accurate.

I need to make a show of strength.

And in order to do that, I have to get Celine back.

As far as the world is concerned, she’s my woman.

‘As far as the world is concerned’?Screw that! What about Celine? What about whereshe’sconcerned?

As much as my sister may keep from me, there are some things she just would not do. And marrying a man who’s using her as a prop rather than a person is at the top of that list.

I hear someone leave again and I press my ear to the closet door. The footsteps are lighter than Dima’s, which means they’re probably Mila’s.

Then I hear a second pair of footsteps, this one heavier. Has to be Ilarion.


I freeze, waiting anxiously.

“Yes?” she responds.

“Where’s Taylor?”

The sound of my name sends goosebumps rushing over my skin.

“I just left her in the garden. Pretty sure she went up to her bedroom.”

“Check on her before we leave. Don’t give anything away.”

Mila doesn’t respond, so I’m assuming she nodded. I wait until the footsteps recede, then I risk opening the door and peeking out. The corridor is clear, but there are windows on one side further down the corridor that could give me away if I’m not careful.

I sneak out of the broom closet and inch my way past closed doors, staying hunched low so no one sees me through the window panes. I make it to the foyer, but I still need to get to my room before Mila does.

A few men are gathering in the courtyard, but none of them are looking toward the house. I steer myself in the direction of the gardens and re-route from there. I bump into two maids on my way up to the room, but I’m pretty sure no one saw where I came from and they wouldn’t think anything of it if they did.

By the time I get upstairs, I realize that Mila has beaten me there. She’s standing in the center of the space, looking around in bewilderment when I walk in. I swallow hard and wipe my expression clean. I don’t have a firm plan yet, but there’s one beginning to take shape. And I can’t afford to screw it up before I’ve got momentum.

“Hey,” I say, trying my best to sound casual. “What are you doing up here?”

Mila turns to me. Her face is carefully devoid of emotion. “Just…checking on you. I thought you’d already be up here.”

I shrug and meander over to the window seat. “I decided to walk around the gardens a little more. It was nice being outside.”

Mila nods, but her eyes stay narrowed suspiciously. “Did you see the rose bushes on the west side?”
