Page 9 of Diamond Devil

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“No!” I blurt. “Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

He hesitates, breathing slowly for a moment, the lust blowing his pupils so wide open I feel like I could fall into them.

But I meant what I said. I don’t want to know his name, because if I don’t know his name, then none of this is real. It’s all a figment of my imagination and it can stay there forever. It’ll be just a dream I had, one wild night. A moment untethered in time.

“Very well,” he says at last. “No names.”

“I’ve never done this before,” I whisper, even as my hand curls around his neck again.

“And you probably won’t do it again after this,” he responds confidently. “So make this count.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“Because you’re looking for a memory. Something that you can look back on when you’re old and say, ‘I did that. It was dangerous and stupid and reckless, but I did it anyway.’”

My eyes flare as he talks. He’s right. I’ve spent my whole life walking the line, listening to my parents, existing meekly within the confines of the box they’ve built around me.

But tonight, with him, I’m taking my power back. Because all those doubting voices at the back of my head, telling me to be careful—they’re not mine.

The real me has only two words to say:Do it.

I haul myself into the back seat. Then I grab the edges of my sports bra and pull it off over my head. It’s a half-assed striptease, clumsy and fumbling, but it doesn’t matter. His gaze is hungry all the same the moment his eyes land on my breasts.

And then he comes toward me.

It’s a marvel that a man so huge can maneuver so gracefully in such a tight space. Everything seems effortless for him. It’s the most attractive quality to me, a girl for whom everything feels like an effort more often than not.

The way he crawls on top of me takes any apprehension I might have possessed and coils it low and warm in my belly. The corded muscles in his arms ripple as he braces himself over me.

Breathe, Tay. Remember to breathe.

He cups the side of my neck. I get the sense that those hands are capable of both beautiful and terrible things, and I’m not sure which he’s about to do to me.

What does it mean if I want both?

He guides my lips back to his. In the same breath, his other hand grabs my hip. I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist and that must be what he wanted, because suddenly, we’re rolling and shifting until I wind up straddling his lap.

Not once has he stopped kissing me. His warm tongue sweeps between my lips and tangles with my own, and it’s the way he pulls the moan from me that also banishes the annoying voices from my head.




They disappear, one by one. Until the only voice left is mine.

Do it,it says again.Do it.

I lift my hips so that he can slide down my jogging shorts.

“Fuck,” he snarls angrily. “I’ve always liked how tight these things are until now.”

I giggle deliriously as he tugs them down my legs, yanking my panties down with them. When I’m bare, he hauls me against him with another reverberating growl that sends shivers straight to my core.

Then he dips his head low and kisses a fiery trail to my breasts. Now that he has me naked and pliant in his arms, he’s taking his time to savor the taste of me.

It’s torture.
