Page 91 of Diamond Devil

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“Fuck!” someone cries out. Definitely one of mine. Either Petro or Goga.

“Go, Ilarion!” Dima yells. “We’ll fend them off. Mila’s team just joined the fold.”

I shoot off two more bullets, saving Dima from a blind attack over his shoulder, and then I race down the hall. I find her behind the third door that I kick down.


She’s cowering beneath a four-poster bed with her hands over her ears. The moment she sees me, her eyes fill with tears of relief. “Ilarion,” she sobs, stumbling out from her position behind the bed. “Oh, thank God! Thank God!”

She runs right at me, and before I know it, she’s got her arms wrapped around my neck and she’s clinging on for dear life. “I knew you’d come,” she gasps. “I knew you’d come for me.”

“Take a breath,” I say, gently peeling her hands off and placing them back by her sides. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

She shakes her head. “No, I’m not hurt.”

I take a step back. She’s wearing a soft cotton dress that’s too big for her—not her style, but it’s clearly new. No visible damage on her skin. No blood. Judging by her overall appearance, she’s been treated well.

I take a quick scan around the room. The windows have been sealed, but they offer a pleasant view through the drawn curtains. There’s a bronze tray by the bedside with an empty salad plate.

So she hasn’t been starved, either.

“What’s going on out there?” Celine asks as another round of gunshots blasts through the air.

I keep her near me as I stride over to the window. My men are busy fending off a fresh wave of Bellasio grunts pouring in from somewhere unseen. I can’t spy either Dima or Mila, but I’m willing to bet both are securing the grounds to make sure we can get Celine out.

“Stay here,” I order. I start to make for the door.

“No!” Celine cries out. She pulls into my side, tucking herself under my arm. “Please don’t leave me.”

Her strawberry blonde hair smells of lemon and lilac. It feels wrong…like my nose is searching for hazelnuts and vanilla. Her eyes are curious when they skim over my face. She’s probably wondering why I don’t look happier to see her.

It’s a fair question.

“Celine, listen to me,” I say urgently. “My priority is getting you out safely. We don’t have time to lose.”

I pull myself out of her arms and go to the other side of the room. The distance helps. I push aside the nagging doubt that threatens to undo everything I’ve worked toward in the last few months. I focus only on the next few minutes, as I pull the door open and take a look down the hall.

There’s nothing on the right, but when I turn to the left, I catch the eyes of two Bellasio guards who’ve managed to sneak their way up here.

They rush toward me. I duck back into the room and pull out both my guns. “Celine, take cover. Now!”

She pales visibly and drops down to the floor. But she’s still out in the open. There’s nothing between her and them but me.

“Fucking hell,” I growl. “The bed! Get behind it.”

She’s trying to crawl over to the bed when the door bursts open. I hit the firstmudakright between the eyes, but the second avoids a similar fate by using his dead companion as a shield.

He twists to the side and sends three bullets my way in quick succession. I avoid all three shots and lunge towards the panicked soldier, grabbing him around the waist and forcing him to the floor. I can feel the ground shudder as I straddle the asshole and punch him in the face before he can unleash another round.

I get in three more hits before his eyes roll back and he loses consciousness. Then I grab his gun and use it to shoot him under the chin. Blood sprays and he stops moving.

“Celine,” I call as I get back to my feet, “you okay?”

All I get in answer is a frightened little squeak. I look over to the bed and find her peering at me around one of the legs. “I… I can’t leave th-this room… Th-they’ll c-c-come for me…”

I walk over to her and peer down at the terrified woman who I’ve chosen to be a part of my world. “Celine,” I say, trying to be as gentle as I can, “you have nothing to worry about. I’m with you now.”

A tear escapes down her cheek. “Did you get Benedict?” she asks.
