Page 106 of Her Improper Desire

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Every moment should be spent according to one's priorities, and right now, Ember knew her topmost priority was to demand to know the truth.

Why did you act like last night didn't happen?

But instead she found herself doing the opposite.

As her royal bosshole also once told her, distraction was the mother of chaos, andthatwas exactly what her problem was right now.

The demon prince's magnificently naked body was a huge distraction, especially since him being all wet and hard was another weakness of hers. She was just dirty like that, and it was why Ember couldn't make herself look away.

Yum yum - I mean, yuck yuck!

The sheikh was so, um, disgustingly hard all over, and what was up with that, uh, horrendously huge cock of his? Why was it jutting up so, er, grossly like that? It was like a fucking pole, literally and—-

"You're staring at my cock like you miss it."

Yes, I mean no, of course not, duh!

"Do you, Ember?"

Ember bit back a groan.So unfair.The sheikh wascrooningagain,and the sound of it had her pussy turning juicy even as his words made her want to kick him in the groin.

"Do you miss it?"

"No,"she finally managed to hiss out, even as her shameless pussy cried juicy tears that made her inner folds thicken and swell.

"Then why are you still staring at my cock?"

"Because it's i—-" Her voice trailed off when she realized she had almost blurted out something i...diotic.

The sheikh raised a brow."I—-?"

"Icky!"Yes, that was what she meant to say, and not incredible,duh."Your cock isicky," Ember stressed in a rush, "so will you please cover yourself?"

The sheikh smirked even as he slowly wrapped the towel around his lips, and although Ember knew she should really stop staring by now—-

How could she when this might her the last time to see his, uh, hideously huge cock?

"Shall I take it off again?"

Amusement underscored the demon prince's drawl, and color burst in her cheeks when she realized he had been watching her stare athimthe entire time.


But the sheikh cut her off as he gritted out, "Why didn't you talk to me about last night?"

A few seconds passed, and his secretary then retorted, "Why should I be the first one to say something?"

His secretary's tone might be scornful, but Ilyas had also seen the flash of pain in her eyes, and he realized grimly that he had ended up hurting Ember without knowing it.

"You're right."

Did the sheikh just say SHE was right?

Ilyas' lips twisted in a smile at the suspicious look his secretary threw at him. "I should've been the first one to say something about it—-"

"Then why didn't you?" she questioned stiffly.

"Because I didn't remember a fucking thing—-"
