Page 109 of Her Improper Desire

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Chapter Seven

Ember nearly gulpedwhen she sensed the sheikh's mood worsen all of a sudden.

Uh oh.

Maybe she had pushed him too far, and it was time to change tactics?

Okay, let's see...

If coffee failed to be a distraction, then she could try talking about his first love.

Ilyas frowned when his secretary suddenly reached for her iPad.

"I just remembered..."

Ilyas nearly snorted.Bullshit.One of the reasons why Ember excelled as his secretary was because of her perfect memory, which allowed him to dictate to her as much as he wanted but without having to waste time repeating himself.

So this shit about her just remembering something?

It was nothing but a way for her to distract or escape—-

"I still haven't told you who's taking over the last slot."


Even though Ilyas knew this was all a ploy, shop talk was still his weakness, and damn her for successfully distracting him.

"Who is it then?" Ilyas asked grudgingly.

Ember handed him the iPad with a smile. "Dr. Adam Al-Masri—-"

Ilyas tossed the iPad on the couch. "No."

Ember's smile vanished. "What do you mean'no'?"

"What else could it fucking mean but no?"

Ember sputtered in shock. "But he's yourcousin!"How could the sheikh not want his own kin to be part of the program, and especially when one's kin was as perfect as Adam?

Ilyas' jaw hardened. "You're not going to change my mind about this." And he meant it.

Adam might be his cousin, but that was also why he didn't fucking want the other man around his secretary. He knew Adam all too well, and the man was too damn French, too damn smooth, and too damn pretty for his own good.

"But I worked so hard to convince him—-"

Ember nearly jumped in surprise when the sheikh snarled out a Huznan curse. Why was he so mad?
