Page 116 of Her Improper Desire

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Ember reached for her glass and took a quick sip of water in a futile attempt to distract herself from the way her heart was aching so painfully behind her chest.

"You missed something," Adam said huskily.

The words startled her into looking up, and just as Adam bent forward, Ember saw Ilyas in the corner of her eye—-

Oh no.

Tears stung her eyes at the way the demon prince whitened upon seeing Adam wipe a bead of water off the corner of her lip, and the expression on Ilyas' face was still in her mind when the meeting finally came to an end.

I have to try one last time.

I have to.

Ember jumped to her feet and blocked the demon prince from leaving. "Ilyas?" It was Ember's first time to address him by his name, and she pretended not to notice how this had Saif and Adam turn to her direction as well.

She kept her gaze pinned on Ilyas, and she forced herself to continue even when his gorgeous features remained seemingly carved in ice. "May I talk to you in private?"

Ilyas looked as if he planned to refuse her, and her fingers dug painfully into her palms. "Please." It hurt to beg, but she would do anything and everything for this one last chance to fight for him. For them. "Please, Ilyas."

But the sheikh's handsome face remained unyielding. "There is no need—-"

"Ilyas."The Crown Prince's sharp tone had Ilyas snapping his mouth shut. "Adam and I will be taking our leave, and you will give Ember the courtesy of hearing her out."

Ilyas' expression turned grim. "As you command, Your Highness."

Adam looked at Ember. "You will be alright?"

Ilyas shot a look of violence at his cousin. "Are you thinking I'll hurt her?"

Adam stared back at him unsmilingly. "Don't you see that she's already hurting because of you?"

Chapter Nine

Ilyas sucked his breathwhen he realized that Adam was right, and he had just been so fucking blind with his own pain that he hadn't noticed Ember was hurting as well.

The two other men slipped out of the room quietly, and it was now just the two of them.
