Page 29 of Her Improper Desire

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The words make my heart pound, and I find myself quickly looking away. I've just realized that while I've already told Sheikh Saif I'm in love with him, he hasn't actually said he loves me back, but...

Maybe he's just waiting for the right time to say it?

Sheikh Saif orders me to introduce him to my friends, and though I make a face at his high-handedness, I'm secretly thrilled that he's asked. This means he sees us as a permanent thing, doesn't it?

The rest of the evening is straight out of a fairytale, with the sheikh never leaving my side and attending to my every need. He's acting like he's in love with me, and I have to believe that he is. Right?

It's only a few minutes past ten when we leave the party, but I'm already half-asleep as the sheikh bundles me up in his limousine. Having the day shift means I'm usually dead to the world by nine, and I stick to the same routine even on my days off.

When I wake again, I realize we're back in the hotel, and I'm all alone in his bedroom.

I hear voices coming from the suite's balcony, and one of it is wonderfully familiar while the other bears the same Middle Eastern accent as the sheikh's.

"I can't believe you're marrying the girl you saw a year ago."

"It's what I came here to do."

"Have you told her yet?"

"There's no need for her to know," Sheikh Saif says coolly.

"You mean, youdon'twant her to know," the other voice retorts in amusement, "and we both know why that is."

Chapter Nine

Idon't wait to hearwhat the sheikh has to say to that. I've heard more than I care to know, and it's enough to crush my heart into pieces.

Tears burn my eyes as I tiptoe past them unseen, but just as I step out of the room, I hear the balcony doors slide open, and the sound is enough to have me break into a run.

The elevator doors are halfway to sliding close when I make it down the hallway, and I punch theOpenbutton in a series of desperate jabs as I hear the sheikh bite out my name.

I slump against the wall as the doors close, and the tears I've been doing my best to hold back finally start tracking down my cheeks.

God, I'm such an idiot.

I should have known a man like him would never see me as wife material. I should've known, dammit!
