Page 30 of Her Improper Desire

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The elevator finally reaches the lobby, and I've just stepped out when someone suddenly blocks my way...and slaps me so hard that my face snaps to the other side.

Oh God.

Is this the sheikh's fiancée? Maybe someone told her what happened between Sheikh Saif and me at the party, and she's here to let me know what a shameless slut I am?

I slowly raise my head...and find myself blinking when I realize it's actually a former classmate of mine from college. "Jessica?"

She slaps me again, and this time I feel my lip start to bleed.

"You really are shameless, aren't you?" the other woman screams. "You haven't even managed to pay back a fraction of what your thieving mom stole from us, but there you are, just partying the night away and whoring yourself—-"

"Say another word," an accented voice warns grimly from behind me, "and I'll have you thrown out of this hotel."

It's the sheikh, of course, and my eyes start stinging anew. I've been so caught up with my feelings for him that I failed to think about what it means to the sheikh if he marries someone like me.

Sheikh Saif has a throne to inherit and an entire kingdom to lead. He needs the right woman to be his queen, and with the kind of past I have...can I really blame him for not choosing me?

The sound of a harshly expelled curse interrupts my thoughts just then, and the next thing I know, it's the sheikh carefully turning my face to his.

"You're bleeding."

I actually forgot that I was, and I quickly wrench away from his hold. "It's nothing—-"

"I'm the victim here, not her!" Jessica has finally recovered from her shock, and I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the sound of distress in her high-pitched cry. She's acting like she's the one who got slapped, and not the other way around.

"You probably don't know this," Jessica begins self-righteously, "but that woman—-"

"—-is my future wife," Sheikh Saif says coldly, "so choose your words wisely, if you know what's good for you."

I'm not sure who's more stunned between Jessica and me, but I forget all about the other woman when the sheikh switches his attention back to me, and I see the fury in his eyes.

What the hell?

First, Jessica, and now it's the sheikh?

I'm the victim here, dammit.

I'm the one the sheikh lied to. The one Jessica slapped, and twice at that.

So why are these two acting like I did something wrong?

"You will never speak to such trash again, do you hear me?"

Since he's growling the words out, he hasn't anything the worry about on that score.Everyonein the hotel lobby has heard him, and the words are more than enough to have the so-called trash, I mean Jessica, drop her woe-is-me act in an instant.

"How dare you? Who the hell are you to call metrash?"

The other woman's screeching tone even has the bellmen by the hotel's front doors wincing in agony. I think it's an occupational hazard, with Jessica having been in the cheering squad since middle school.

Sheikh Saif, however, doesn't even deign to look her way, and his disinterest has Jessica letting out another screech just before turning to me with eyes full of hostility. "You never changed, have you? You've always acted like you're so cool you don't need to be mean, but the truth is, you're just a thief like your mo—-let go of me!"

At first I think it's hotel security, but when none of them looks familiar, I realize it's likely the sheikh's personal bodyguards ditching their incognito ways to get rid of, well...trash.

There's one of them flanking Jessica on each side, and I know it's horrible of me, but she's making it so hard for all of us to keep a straight face when she seems to be using her high-flying cheerleader kicks and twists in order to free herself.

The sheikh looks at me, his gaze still furious. "Do you now see why you must disassociate yourself with such—-"

"If you dare call me trash—-"
