Page 88 of Her Improper Desire

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She could've called Ilyas a royal bosshole to his face, and he still wouldn't be this furious. She could've even called him a motherfucker while at it, and Ilyas still wouldn't have minded.


It was the worst thing she could've called him, but because she had completely forgotten how sensitive these royal sheikhs were when accused of being uncivilized (or in this case, brutish), the demon prince was now looking at her as if he wanted to give her ass a good hard spanking.

"Do you have a fucking death wish?"

Ember finally had her first taste of fear...even as she also felt her pussy start to quiver at the way fury underscored the sheikh's voice. She knew this could be her last chance to salvage things, but what she ended up crying out was—-

"I'm just being honest!"

Ilyas stared at his secretary in angry disbelief. "What the fuck?"Whywas she stupidly provoking him like this? Didn't she realize how close he was to completely losing control?


Ilyas felt like he was losing his mind as he watched Ember's lusciously huge breasts jiggle with every word she threw at him. It really did seem like his secretary had a death wish, and his dick was just raring to give her a taste ofla petite mort.

Ember could feel herself trembling under the sheikh's enraged gaze. She knew that the safest thing to do right now was to keep her mouth shut, but instead she heard herself say, "I mean it!"

"You stubborn little fool," Ilyas roared. "If you don't take those fucking words back—-"

Why couldn't he just stop threatening her? Didn't he realize by now that was just going to make her want to provoke him even more?

"You're going to fucking pay for your stupidity—-"

More threats, seriously?

Ember glared up at the sheikh. "I don't care! You—-"

"Go ahead and fucking say it," Ilyas snarled, "and I'll make sure to shut that mouth of yours—-"

Why wouldn't he just stop threatening her so she could stop provoking him?

"—-with my cock!"

Ember's words died in her throat.

Uh...say that again?

Did he just threaten to shut her mouth...with...his...cock?

Ember's mind spun.

Oh my god, finally, I mean—-frighteningly! This is

A few more seconds passed.

(No do it, no do it, no do it, no do it)

But in the end, she heard herself whisper,"You are a brute."

Ilyas' face whitened. "Damn you."

What happened after that was a blur, and the next thing she knew, she was already on her knees on the living room rug and the demon prince was looming over her with adeliciouslyterrifyingly ruthless expression on his too-gorgeous face.

"Let me go!"

Ember struggled to free herself even as her inner folds started to swell and thicken.
