Page 1 of Four for a Boy

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Chapter One





Chad was the detective who caught the killers, and the man that permitted his boyfriend to perform such violent acts.

He was a hypocrite, morally corrupt, and hopelessly in love.

Whenever Romeo satisfied his need Chad couldn’t tear his eyes away, wrapped up with his own cocktail of emotions.

Anxiety, excitement, andrelief.

Relief that Romeo was quenching his thirst.

The monster in his head would reset the clock, and the build-up to the next one would begin.

Watching his monster stalk his prey was a beautiful thing, but when he went too long without anything, when his hunts ended with failure, worry gnawed in the pit of Chad’s stomach, and their peaceful life became fractured.

Romeo needed it, and when people were denied their needs, they took desperate measures.

Graham Brennan came just in time.

His frail hand curled into a fist on the desk, trembling. His whole body trembled, not from fear, but age. The grey tint to his skin, and his sunken eyes gave away his dire condition.

In Chad’s opinion, they were months, if not weeks away from being too late.

All Romeo’s work would’ve come to nothing, but as it was, Graham was there. He sat at the other side of the desk to Chad in the outbuilding which was Romeo’s lair and listened while Chad read aloud from the most damning piece of evidence.

Graham had murdered his wife, and her sister.

In his late seventies, drinking, cigarettes, and guilt had taken their toll. It only took some gentle coaxing from Chad for him to break down and admit to the killings. A nagging wife, and her sister who happened to walk in unannounced.

For forty years he’d gotten away with it, and then he came up against Romeo.

Romeo wasn’t stopped by laws, warrants, morals, or emotion.

Some people kept mementoes, some people bragged, and some people needed to admit their guilt to the pages of a diary.

Graham was the latter.

A memento keeper and a bragger had already joined Doctor Carter in the ground.

Chad closed the diary he’d been reading from then pushed it to one side.

“You admitted to killing them,” Chad said softly.

Graham gestured to his ear, and Chad repeated the question in a louder voice, flicking a glance at Romeo standing against the wall. Graham hadn’t heard him come in and hadn’t sensed the predator standing three meters behind him.

Chad had a sixth sense whenever Romeo was nearby.


Why others couldn’t sense him the same way, he had no idea.
