Page 137 of Four for a Boy

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“He should’ve been home with Shawn thirty minutes ago.”

“How’s his mum taking it?”

Ally sighed. “She’s in denial, claiming the police cars outside have spooked him, and he’s run out of fear. The possibility that Tate might hurt Shawn hasn’t even crossed her mind … do you really think he would?”

“I don’t know.”

“They used to say Vincent was silver-tongued.”


“He talked everyone around, put on a good show for the cameras, and befriended the police officers hunting him. He was charming, persuasive, and passionate in his denial.”

“I heard there was overwhelming evidence.”

“There was, but there are still a rare few that believe he is innocent, despite the evidence stacked against him. That’s how manipulative he can be, but I saw Shawn and Tate through the window of that hospital room. I saw how they hugged when Shawn rushed over to the bed. I have to believe that Tate values the love of his brother over the acceptance of a serial killer.”

Chad looked at the road ahead. “I’m ten minutes from Castle Hill.”

“To hell with this, I can’t just sit here.”

“Sit here?”

“The DI grounded me.”


“I called him a load of colorful curse words after he gave you permission to speak to Vincent.”

“Vincent might be the one that gets us to Tate in time.”

“But at what cost?”

Chad pressed his lips together.

“I’m willing to bet my life on Vincent Whitehall not giving you that location out of the goodness of his heart. What did he ask for?”



“My time. He wants me to visit him.”

“That’sabsolutelynot happening.”

“Ally,” Chad groaned. “Can we discuss this later?”

“There’s no discussion. You’re not visiting him, and that’s the end of it.”

“I swore I would.”

“I don’t give a shit.”

Chad leaned forward, trying to see through the trees.

“Don’t become the plaything of yet another serial killer.”

“I don’t think he’d get to play with me for very long.”
