Page 142 of Four for a Boy

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The hairs on Chad’s arms were standing up, but he didn’t feel the cold on his skin. All he could feel was the ache in his back and shoulders.

Shawn’s teeth chattered as he watched the figures rushing towards them. Ally was amongst them.

Chad peeled himself away, swaying as he got to his feet. He looked down at Shawn, then back at Tate. The latter called to him like a magnet, and he stumbled over on numb legs and tapped the window.


He didn’t respond, Chad hadn’t expected him to.


He ignored Ally and gripped the handle. He yanked, but it didn’t open.He tried again, and when it failed, he slapped the window.

The keys and a gas mask glinted at him from the driver’s seat.

Ally skidded into him, frowning at Tate through the window. “Is he…”

Paramedics swarmed Shawn on the ground, asking questions, and talking to each other, but their chatter didn’t drown out Shawn’s shout for his brother.

“We’ve got to get him out.”

“If that car is full of chloroform…”

“We might be able to save him—”

“Chad, he’s gone.”

“So was Shawn two minutes ago.”

“Chad.” Ally touched his shoulder. He saw her hand on him, but didn’t feel it.

“Help me find something to break the window.”

“And release all that stuff.” She pointed at the paramedics and Shawn on the ground. “It’s too risky.”

“We can’t just stand here!”

“Let him go. We can’t get him out without compromising everyone. He locked himself in there, Chad.”

Shawn called out for Tate again.

Chad prayed he hadn’t seen him in the car.

He looked hauntingly pale on the seat.

His expression, though … his face had relaxed.

His eyes were shut, not scrunched tight, but closed as if he’d just fallen asleep.

“Come on.” Ally rubbed his arm. “You’re freezing.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the car. “Let Tate go.”

Chapter Twenty

Ally’s grim expression only intensified. She huffed as she tucked a blanket around Chad’s shoulders. He gritted his teeth and drowned out the small voice that wanted to snap at her and tell her to stop fussing.

“Keep that around you.”

“I’m fine, Ally.”
