Page 147 of Four for a Boy

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“That won’t be necessary.”

Josh squeezed Chad’s shoulders, and he yelped, batting at his hand. “That hurts.”

“Don’t be a baby.”

The office door opened, and Chad shot a weak smile at the doctor. She looked the scene over for a few seconds before raising her eyebrow at Josh.

“Believe it or not, he’s a friend,” Chad said.

Her singular lifted eyebrow was joined by the other.

“Not that kind of friend.” Josh blurted. “I mean. Chad’s gay. I’m straight, and I’m single.”

“He likes to rub me down in private, that’s all.”

She held up her hands and backed out of the room. “I’ll leave you to your rub down.”

Josh pushed Chad in the back. “You didn’t tell me your doctor was hot.”

“I didn’t know when I was supposed to drop that into the conversation.”

“As soon as I walked in the door.”

Chad rolled his eyes. “Sorry. I know for next time.”

Josh craned his neck, spying on something across the room. Then he slumped. “I hope that wasn’t your coffee.”

Chad snorted. “It was awful.”

“No shit, it’s hospital coffee. They recycle dishwater and put it in those machines.”

“Of course they do…”

“Have you been kicking zombie ass in between solving a case and performing life-saving CPR?”

Chad nodded. “I have. Frank even had a go.”

Josh’s eyes lit up. “Frank’s been to your house of horrors?”

“My house is not that bad.”

“The circling crows and the skeletons in the ground didn’t scare him away.”

“No.” Chad lifted his chin. “He quite liked it.”

“The freaky cushions have got to go.”

“Frank happens to like them.”

“Get real. He’s being polite. Next visit, he’ll spill something on them for sure … if he doesn’t, I will.”

“Leave the cushions alone.”

“So who’s better out of you and Frank at killing zombies?”

Chad pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh. “I am, much to his annoyance. He got in a grump about it, needed to take five in the kitchen, and calm down with a crossword.”

Josh burst out laughing. “You’re made for each other.”
