Page 155 of Four for a Boy

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Chad gaped at him. “Wha?”

“You shouldn’t have put ideas in my head.”

“I don’t understand.”

Romeo tucked his cock away and pulled up his jeans. He glanced at the ground, and Chad looked, too. His breath caught at the mess Romeo had made of Josh’s jacket.

“Looks like you’ll be doing some early morning laundry.”


Keeley shot Chad a coy smile as he took a seat on the couch.

“You’re looking … happier,” Keeley said.

“You know we talked about the thing my boyfriend wanted me to do, but I didn’t want to, and I was scared of telling him in case I lost him.”

“Yes, surprisingly despite how vague that description is, I do remember…”

“Well, I told him it made me uncomfortable, and I didn’t want to participate, and he…”

Keeley leaned forward in her chair. “He?”

“Was fine with it.” Chad rubbed his temple. “He was more than fine with it. He was upset I hadn’t told him sooner and was offended I thought he’d put his own wants before mine. He was kind of angry.”

Passionately angry.

Chad had lost count of the times Romeo had abruptly stopped whatever he was doing to scowl at Chad from across the room and hiss ‘if?’ in his direction.

Chad apologized.

Romeo’s gaze softened.

Nine times out of ten they ended up kissing.


Chad waved his hands. “Not—angry is the wrong word. He was hurt I doubted his feelings for me. I didn’t doubt them, I just thought he might think there was someone else out there more suited to his … desires, but I was wrong. He wants me, only me, as me and I need to trust that.”

“I’m glad it worked out.”


“Still. My door is always open, and I’d love for…”


Keeley dazzled him with a smile. “I’d love for Frank to join us in a session.”

“It’s early days, I don’t want to scare him off.”

“He knows you attend therapy?”

“He knows.”

“And he’s supportive.”

Chad nodded. “He is.”
