Page 59 of Four for a Boy

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Eleanor slumped. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

“It’s understandable. You’re worried about your son.” Ally guided her over to a chair, and she sat down, dropping her head in her hands.

The boy with her looked at Chad, then Josh before settling his gaze on Josh’s pajama’s. “Hey, we match,” Josh said, lowering himself to a crouch. “Both in our pajamas. Although yours are so much cooler than mine. What is that?”

The boy looked down at himself, covered in a dinosaur wearing sunglasses. “Spiney.”

“And what is Spiney?” Josh asked.

“A Spinosaurus.”

Chad nudged Josh with his knee and mouthed obviously.

“I don’t know my dinosaurs,” Josh said. “But Spiney looks awesome.”

The boy stretched out his top and smiled at the huge dinosaurs. He looked back at Josh, then pointed to the side of his neck where the top of his tattoo was visible.

“This is more my area, video games. This is Sonya.” Josh tugged down his collar, flashing the torso of the fantasy girl on his neck, pushing her bikini-clad breasts together.

“Probably not age appropriate for a seven-year-old,” Chad whispered.

“I’m eight.”

Chad held his hands up backing away. “Sorry. I—”

“Excuse my friend here,” Josh said. “He’s an idiot.”

The boy laughed, and Josh joined in.

“I’m feeling ganged up on right now.” Chad retreated to a chair and sat down to watch the exchange from across the corridor.

“What’s your name?”


“It’s nice to meet you, Shawn.” Josh held out his hand, and Shawn shook it. “I’m Josh, the idiot opposite us is Chad, and the wrinkled-up woman speaking to your mum is Ally.”

Chad froze, wide-eyed. Luckily for Josh, Ally hadn’t heard, still speaking in a quiet voice to Eleanor. Their heads were almost touching, and Ally wrapped her arm around Eleanor’s shoulders.

“You’re one of the good guys?” Shawn asked.

Josh beamed. “I sure am.”

“Is my brother going to be okay?”

“He’s in the best possible place, and look.” He pointed to the two uniformed officers standing on either side of the door. “He’s even got people outside to keep the bad ones away. Only good people will be able to get to your brother.”

Shawn stared at Josh for a long time, then nodded. He reached into his pajama bottoms and pulled something out to show Josh.

“What is it?”

Chad knew immediately, but staring at Josh, he wasn’t sure whether Josh was faking ignorance, or he genuinely didn’t know what had been pressed into his palm.

The door opened, and a woman with a clipboard in hand asked for Tate’s family. She emphasized the word, looking at each of them in turn. Eleanor shot to her feet and held her hand out to Shawn.

“Come on.”

He ran to her and took her hand. They went into the room, and the door sealed shut behind them. Josh twisted in his position on the floor and held his hand up to Chad. “What is it?”
