Page 71 of Four for a Boy

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“Once or twice.”

“Oh, boy, it’s like talking to Ally.”

Chad glared at Josh and flung open the car door. He climbed out, and Josh did the same, then rushed around to join him.

“Your t-shirt,” Chad mumbled.

Josh ran his hands over it. “What about it?”

“It’s two sizes too small.”

“Hey, I’ve got a six-pack, I might as well flaunt it.”

“It’s that tight I can see your dinner working its way through your digestive tract.”

Josh laughed and clapped Chad on the back. “If that’s your way of saying I look good, I’ll take it, you look good, too, although…”


Josh reached for the top of Chad’s shirt and undid the top two buttons. The added sliver of skin revealed one of Chad’s scars. “Shit.”

“It’s fine.”

Josh rebuttoned Chad’s shirt. “I forgot for a second.”

“I know … it’s nice when you forget. You see me, not …them.”

Josh hesitated, before undoing one button on Chad’s shirt. “There. Looking good. Shame about the smell.”

Chad tucked his nose towards his armpit and took a deep breath.

“Careful, don’t breathe it in too deep, you’ll pass out.”

“It’s not that strong.”

Romeo had insisted Chad wear his aftershave. Not one or two squirts, Romeo drenched him and nodded his approval afterwards. Even standing outside Chad could taste it in the air around him. He imagined that had been the point, to warn people off. Romeo was only steps away from cocking his leg and pissing on Chad’s pants.

“Did your nose stop working?” Josh asked.

“I may have put on a little too much.”

“Christ, Chad, a little? I had to freeze my ass off with the windows open while we drove here.” Josh sniffed him. “It’s not your normal one either. It’s darker, more bitter.”

“Thanks for the feedback.”

“Shall we go?”

Chad sighed. “I guess so.”

Josh led the way, slapping the VIP tickets against his palm. Chad spied mummies, vampires, witches, and ghouls. Most people had chosen fictional horror, but a few costumes made his skin crawl and his guts tangle.

He collided with Josh’s back. “What is it?”

“At three o’clock. In the car.”

Chad looked. “What?”

“They’re out of uniform, but that’s Lucy and Eric from CID in an unmarked car. They’ve got people watching The Desperado tonight.”
