Page 55 of The Sweetest Note

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Xav appears very pleased with himself, which leads to my next question. “Is this evidence real? She said she recognized the man… but is it real?” I ask.

So much can be faked, but this appeared very real. I am going to need to come back in here if possible to pull the video and photo. It has to be on a usb or some kind of memory device, and then I can test it when I get home. I wouldn’t normally care, but this girl has gotten under my skin. My eyes trail over her body, little blood vessels broken under her eyes from the stress of fighting to breathe. I can pretend to the outside world that she is just a job, but she’s not. Not even a little bit.

Xav snorts and the orderly grins as he stares at Lennon, palming his cock. I swear to God, I will be killing everyone in this room today if he attempts to violate her.

“The photos are real, but I twisted the context. I asked someone close to her what would break the little bitch, and I can’t believe I didn’t think of it myself,” Xav says with a grin. Rolling his eyes, he shakes his head as the orderly begins to pull his cock out. “No, you’re not sullying her with your cum, Eric. Get out of here.”

Groaning, the man he called Eric pumps his cock as it gets hard and I want to cut it off. He’s staring at what is mine. She doesn’t know it yet, and she doesn’t deserve to become my obsession after she’s been through so much, but life isn’t fair. A fact she understands very well due to her time here. Lennon deserves so much better than me, but her strength calls to me.

I will always make sure she is avenged though. Starting with him.

“Why does Colly get to come on her? I just want to feel her pussy clench around me, is that so much to ask?” Eric complains.

I smirk even as I plan out how I’m going to kill him. It’ll definitely have to be slow. The most important question though is: am I going to share or keep him to myself?

“Is something funny, Mr. Kingston?” Xav asks and I nod.

“I’m simply amused by the variety of therapies that you’re using with Lennon, is all. How hard is it to break one girl?” I respond, eyes stormy and hard.

Grant is going to want a full report when I come back, and I don’t have nearly enough information to give him. What I have gathered is only useful to me and my efforts to figure out how to get her out.

“Well… you’re right. She’s a special girl though,” Xav says as he rocks back on his heels. He makes no effort to keep Eric from touching and squeezing Lennon’s breasts, and my eyes shutter. Thank God she passed out from exhaustion and I made sure to hold the plastic just a little longer the last time so she would give up the fight.

“Lennon is the daughter of a woman who works at this facility. She believes her mother to be dead, so we want to see how far we can twist her trust in what her own brain is telling her. Audio and visual hallucinations were the beginning. Carrie has agreed to our terms because she enjoys having the freedom to do whatever the fuck she wants, and her love for her daughter fizzled out a long time ago. The woman should have been sterilized at birth, and since I found her eight years ago, has been. There’s a very interesting story involving her life and if she wasn’t dead on paper, it would make for a great case study.”

Xav finally deigns to pay attention to Eric and rolls his eyes. “You can finger her and see if you can make her come in her sleep. I’m giving you two minutes, Eric,” Xav says and it takes everything in me not to snap Eric’s fingers as he grins and pushes them inside of her.

Lennon gives a small wail in her exhausted sleep, and I force away the need to make it stop. Tonight has been an awful night for her, but it’s making me face feelings I didn’t think I could feel. Empathy, hate, and sorrow for a woman who should be nothing to me, and yet… Her very name conjures the memory of a girl with sad eyes that I was too self involved to save at the time.

Is that what I feel? Do I just want to fix the past? Or is it more?

Nurse Elaine cackles from her chair. “He needed Colly to help me come the last few times we fucked. This makes me want to put money on his inability to make her finish. I bet the bitch is dry to the bone too.”

“She’s fucking warm and tight, and fuck,” Eric grunts as he pumps his cock as he forces a second finger inside of her.

Sounds of whimpering fill the room as Xav continues. “I need test subjects no one will miss, and no one cares about this girl. Roark may not have been cheating, but he was face fucking his boyfriend in a club. They’ve clearly moved on, and she deserved to know that. I’ve waterboarded Lennon, electrocuted her, cut her, threatened to brand her, and the only time she truly fights me is when I threaten her sister or people she loves.

“I want her to stop fucking fighting me. I’m planning to fill her room with the sounds of her sister singing on Lennon’s fucking tour. The bitch kicked her memory out of her way as soon as she was able to and took her place,” Xav grins evilly. “Lennon better enjoy the rest she’s getting right now, because she’ll be awakened in her cell tonight. I may even include clips of her sister taking interviews. I’m truly enjoying this.”

Nodding, I watch as Eric loses his load all over Lennon before making her make any noise other than pain.

“Do you make her sleep in their cum afterwards as well?” I ask absently, as if I don’t care either way.

“No,” Nurse Elaine says as she skips forwards. Smearing the cum all over Lennon, she licks her fingers afterwards. “I usually clean her up after, but I’m so turned on, I need to be fucked hard. Mr. Xav, you have an extra pair of hands tonight, think Mr. Kingston can clean her up and put her back in her straightjacket?” she begs.

I am trying to follow what’s happening, finding myself overloaded with stimuli. The most important thing is the driving need to protect Lennon. I may have suffocated her because of the role I’m in today, but allowing someone else to clean her of the blood and fluids from her ordeal tonight is unacceptable.

“I can if necessary,” I sneer, my mouth twisting in disgust that I don’t feel.

“Good man,” Xav says as he claps my back. Eric hums in agreement as he sucks his fingers, and I decide he’s coming with me when I leave. Somehow, I’ll be abducting him and making him squeal like the pig he is. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she, Mr. Kingston?”

I look at him confused, because while I believe she is, I don’t understand the question. “I don’t understand what you mean,” I respond, the emotion bled from my voice.

“Are you saying you don’t want to fuck her?” Xav asks, surprised.

“I don’t, but I never have the urge to fuck anyone.” My cock was hard when I tortured her, when her body bucked in front of me, but I have a feeling it was for a variety of reasons. I know Xav didn’t notice it because I was behind the table. These dark jeans also thankfully hide things well.

“Huh… I am starting to see why Grant keeps you so close. You really are a machine, a well honed killer. I was going to caution you from fucking her while you’re with her because I have plans for her, but I can see that’s unnecessary. Lennon has no basic rights, so don’t feel like you have to be gentle: hose her down and throw her back in if you’d like. I’m leaving for the night, and Nurse Elaine will be busy with her porn in her office I’m sure. Eric is unfortunately a one and done, aren’t you, son?” Xav taunts Eric with a chuckle. The man is cleaning himself off, his face flaming in embarrassment.
