Page 63 of The Sweetest Note

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“Xav is solidifying his plans to sell her to powerful men who are looking for the privilege of fucking a rockstar. She’s so damn exhausted because night after night they wake her up with loud music and they even use her sister against her. Someone told Xav to push more emotional torture to destroy her mental armor. I was long gone by the time they woke her this morning, but Xav wants to break her. He wants the perfect soldier, but no one will expect it from a girl who looks like Lennon…” Orion explains. He’s said all of this while barely stopping to breathe, his weight shifting as he speaks.

He looks like a coiled snake drawing up to strike.

“Fuck, Xav is the equivalent of an evil scientist,”Greg says rubbing his face.“The idea of the perfect soldier is something everyone has been trying to achieve. Breaking someone to their baser parts, finding a code word to activate their weapon—”

Orion clears his throat as he picks up a knife from a table near him. He’s set up his own torture and kill room out here. “About that… I don’t know if there’s a word, but he described doing exactly that to Lennon. Xav looked nervous, as if he’s on a time table. I started being able to tell when he lied to me, but this is something too big to hope it’s a lie. How often are kill switches used on ‘experiments’?”

Orion’s voice bleeds of all emotion and tone, and I can see he’s trying to protect himself from whatever answer Greg is about to give. The big fucker cares more than he expected, and Len is getting under his skin without even trying.

“Ex-fucking-scuse me?”Greg yells.“Fuck, the dick could kill her with the touch of a button if she tries to escape. What did he tell you exactly?”

“I asked him what would happen if there was a fire, and the staff removed her from the building. Would they accidentally kill her? The more questions I asked, the more he clenched his fist,” Orion explains. “Xav didn’t think I would push for details, and he didn’t ask me why I was asking. I was there as Grant’s proxy and stand in. Every question I ask is under the guise that I will report back to him… which made Xav real damn twitchy.”

“He’s bluffing,”Greg insists.“Fuck, we can’t take that chance. Goddamn it. I’m going to start asking around about this, see how possible it is that he would do this to a test subject. I’ll observe your questioning session with this orderly, Eric was it?”he asks and Orion nods.“Get me a last name too, so I can see if I can connect any more dots on their operation as well. Is there anything else I need to know?”

Orion stares at us, his eyes swirling with uncertainty. There’s something else but he’s unsure he should tell us.

“Whatever it is, you can tell us, man. You tortured her for fuck’s sake, and I can agree that if you hadn’t, Xav would have retaliated in some way. He expects his every instruction and command to be followed. Even my father is scared of him,” I insist. The tension is getting heavier in the air as I struggle to be patient. As I crack my neck to keep myself from shaking Orion, he pulls in a breath, flicking the switch knife in his hand open and closed.

“She tried to kill herself in front of me,” he says reluctantly. “Lennon… She grabbed a knife from the cart by the tub and tried to stab her upper leg. Xav was particularly cruel, she believed everyone was forgetting about her. Xav has Lennon believing she’s seeing things that aren’t real and hearing them too. I don’t know if it’s the medication they force her to take to stay compliant, but they’re seriously fucking with her head.”

Swallowing, Orion heaves in another breath. He sounds as if he’s been in a marathon. “I raced back over to her, but you have to understand that she was passed out the entire time I bathed her. I just wanted to get her clean after everything…” Shaking his head, he forced himself to stay on track. “I grabbed her hands, forced her to let go of the knife and she begged me to kill her.”

“Oh fuck. We need to find her,” I breathe in horror and anger. My hands shake, black spots dancing in the periphery of my vision as I stare at one of the people responsible for Len’s misery. Pulling on my hair to ground myself, I struggle to get a hold of myself. If I don’t, I’ll kill him too quickly, and we won’t get any of the answers we’re searching for.

Eric opens his eyes, blinking at us owlishly and I focus my anger on him. Breath still thready from emotion, I ask, “Eric, how do you like your toe nails, motherfucker? I hope you’re not too attached to them, because I need to work through some shit, and I need you to give me some information.”

“Who the fuck are you?” he asks groggily. “Nah, I’m not telling you shit. He’ll kill me if I say anything. What do you want?”

Striding up to him, I punch him in the stomach, enjoying the grunt he makes as he contracts his body from the blow. “I want to give Lennon her peace of mind, but I can’t do that, so I’m going to take away things you care about instead. How long have you been working at Hidden Hills? That’s a safe question, right?”

Stupidly, Eric nods. “Yeah,” he wheezes as I punch him again for good measure. “I’ve been there for about eight months. I was the last new hire.”

Nodding, I smile jovially. “Good boy. Is Xav your boss?”

Eric pales, looking around the room until his eyes drop on Orion. “Oh shit. You know too much,” he groans.

“I do,” Orion confirms. “If you answer my questions, I won’t light the outside fire for my pokers. Those leave some pretty nasty burns.”

“I was just thinking about pokers to fuck his ass with,” I laugh wildly. Eric swallows as he stares at me. “You touched something that belongs to me. Lennon O’Reilly is mine. I hear you’ve been fucking with my girl?”

Eric swallows, shaking his head. “No, no. Elaine and Colly touch her way more than me. Elaine likes to feel her up, sometimes sucks on those sweet titties when she’s passed out and gets her cleaned up after a session. Xav likes them best, and they have seniority, so he looks the other way as long as they don’t fuck her. Her pussy and ass are being sold off to important people.” Eyes widening, he whimpers. “I didn’t mean to say that. Did you give me truth serum?”

Glancing at Greg on the computer screen as if to ask him if that shit exists, he looks up at me from his desk and rolls his eyes. Huh. I really thought it existed. It would make my life easier.

“Yep, I did. You’re gonna tell us everything we need to know, aren’t you?” Orion asks, bluffing his ass off.

“Go fuck yourself. Her pussy is so tight, they’re gonna blow it wide open while she screams. You’ll never find her. The girl is a lost cause,” Eric sneers.

“Pliers it is,” I mutter.

“I’ll get his shoes,” Orion agrees, adjusting himself as I chuckle.

“Torturing people really does it for you, huh?” I tease him.

“Fuck, I think torturing people with you does something to me,” he says so quietly I almost drop the pliers.

“Well I’m flattered,” I growl, dropping to my knees to look at Eric’s bare feet. “You really should look into pedicures, Eric. You never know when someone is gonna get up close and personal with your feet,” I tell him mildly. “Now, let’s start with something easy. Last name?”
