Page 66 of The Sweetest Note

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“Yeah… just about. I want to raze the hospital to the ground of the hospital workers who are guilty of following Xav’s orders. People who prey on those they’ve made weaker than them. I need that hospital and every single one like it shut down for good. Especially if he’s using it to traffic people through. We are still working on locating the hospital, because he’s the best for a reason. So we’ll have to move quickly when we have it. I already have a team to extract the girl he’s holding. She’s a job,” I lie.

Lennon O’Reilly is so far from a job. We’ve made trips to come see them in concert, and while we don’t see them as often as we’d like, I think that’s all going to change. Being this close to possibly losing someone makes you rethink things. We should see Turner, Roark, Lennon, and now Derek more often. He’s growing on me.

Derek is very comfortable with death too.

I watch the screen as he finishes up the dismantling of Eric Myers’ body with a smile and worry. After all of this is over, I may need to train Derek to join my team. Orion too if he’s able to follow basic instructions. I’m officially the psychopath whisperer. Awesome.

“You’ve been very busy, and I respect that. Send me over everything you have on Xavier, and I’ll make a decision. If you get an address before I call you, contact me immediately. I know you have an extraction, but it’ll be too much temptation to not execute him if you have the chance and I can respect that,”Aiden says.

I’m glad he sees my trigger finger won’t hesitate to kill Xav.

“However, I need you to tell me before you go in so that I can make sure there’s an emergency kill order in place when you do, so you don’t risk your career. Is that understood?”he gruffly asks.

Rolling my eyes, I rest my head on my fist as I contemplate that. He’s a hard ass, but he’s not wrong. My job keeps my family safe and my own demons quiet.

“Yes, Sir. I understand,” I respond sullenly and he chuckles.

“It’s nice to see you still have your asshole moments. I thought getting married ruined you,”he laughs as he hangs up.

Ass. Dropping my phone on the desk, I check on Derek and Orion again to see they’re leaving the house to feed Eric to the pigs. It’s now almost sundown, and we’ve been at this all day. Torture is fucking exhausting even when I’m not the one doing it.

Phone buzzing, I pick it up to see that Turner messaged me back.

Turner: Roark read your message over my shoulder and slammed out of the house to go for a run. God help anyone who gets in his way today, because he’s a broody bastard on the best of days. I’m trying to keep him together, but finding out we’re getting used against our girl… Fuck.

Rubbing my face, I shake my head. I feel for them because Miguel, Link, and I were once used against Tori and we fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Fuck we were idiots back then.

Take care of him. We’ll get her out. Working on an address now. Just a little longer.

Turner: Fuck, it’s been a month. I want to be there when you go in. She thinks we forgot about her. Please. I want to be one of the first people she sees.

Screaming in frustration, I drop my head back to look up at the ceiling. So many damn dead ends. Of course they want to see her. I may be speaking to Turner, but Roark’s reaction to Lennon being kidnapped means he’ll want to come too. Fuck.

Let me figure out logistics. Derek is going to see his mother next week, we want to have an address by the time he leaves the facility. This will all be over soon.

Staring at the phone, I hope I can back up that promise. I’ve been sitting at this damn desk for too long and need to punch something. Turner doesn’t respond again, but I don’t expect him to. Standing, I walk towards the gym I set up in the safe house I’m in. It’s nothing fancy, but it works for now.

Already in gym clothes, I start to tape my hands. All I can offer Turner and Roark are platitudes right now, when I don’t know what horrors Lennon is going through at the moment. I can’t bring myself to utter another false promise. Toeing off my shoes and throwing off my socks, I push my feet into the wooden floors to ground myself.

Taking a deep breath, I hit the bag, promising myself I’ll get back to my computer and stupid fucking desk once I’m done. I’m not typically a desk job kind of guy, at least not in the last few years. I can hack systems with the best of them but…

Blinking, I realize I haven’t tried to hack Grant’s computer system.Stupid. While he may do most of his work somewhere else, his home computer may be linked to his work system in some way so I can get into it.

Punching the bag again, I throw myself into my work space so I’ll be able to focus with a clear mind. I’ve been looking in too many different places for information, it’s time to keep building the case closer to home.

Xavier Pontus

Lennon has refused to speak for two days since I insisted on getting rid of her disgusting hair color. Her buyers prefer blondes, so that’s what they’re going to get. They’re each paying a hundred thousand dollars to fuck her, and I plan for her to look perfect by the time they come to the hospital next week.

I asked the stylist to do her nails as well while Lennon was drugged out of her mind, and the woman didn’t blink an eye. I am going to keep her on my list of contacts for my high end clients who need a certain look for their sex slaves.

Lennon isn’t deaf, and I know she’s heard the snippets I’ve revealed about buyers, but there’s no way she understands what’s about to happen. The three of them will fuck her raw for hours, and she’ll want it. Lennon will beg for it, not knowing why her body is on fire and craving an orgasm, and her holes filled.

Picking up the serum I’ve developed for just this instance, I smile cruelly. It must be a terrible thing when your body betrays you, pussy dripping with desire, and your mind screaming otherwise. She’ll understand everything that’s happening at the time, but unable to stop it.

I’ve been connecting clients for years with men and women who will be whatever they want. I do it well under the government’s and my employers’ radar, while still developing the most innovative drugs for interrogation and torture. No one fucks with me, but I’m a bit worried. The dark web monitoring keywords I’ve set up have begun to send me back information telling me that Greg Fox is looking for me.

Eleven years ago, I made a call telling him to back off because he was too close to making a move on a client. Anthony St. James and I met at a poker game for one of his clients, and we hit it off. Greg’s been on my trail trying to get a kill order approved for years. He’s denied every time.
