Page 83 of The Sweetest Note

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“It’s a small town, and there’s nothing else to do here,” Derek snarks and I hide my face in Derek’s neck.

He’s not wrong.

“Did you clean up appropriately, at least? Or do I have to worry about finding you a lawyer?”Turner sighs.

They really look like annoyed parents, and instead of feeling jealous, I’m glad Derek has people supporting him. “I don’t know why I worried about them finding out,” he whispers in my ear.

Shivering, I meet his eyes. “They’re your people. I don’t think they care if you kill one person or a million.”

“I mean, I don’t care as long as there’s a reason for it,”Roark shrugs.“Greg’s a mercenary for hire. He clearly kills people too. Big fooking deal. Did you really think we’d care, Derek?”

Pushing me back a bit so he can see Roark, he shrugs. “I was prepared to come here and not come back from this, so yeah. I was scared of you finding out. As for lawyering up, not as far as Eric’s concerned. The pigs cleaned up nicely for us.” Roark and Turner look surprised, but nod because it’s not exactly a secret that pigs will eat almost anything.

“But, my dad has video of me killing people in his warehouses. He wanted to tie me to him, so he lied to me and asked me to rough up people who were opposing him. What he really wanted was for me to kill the men so he could make examples of them,” Derek explains.

Greg rolls his eyes.“I’ll make that go away. Orion, do you know where he may be keeping that footage?”

“I think so, yeah. Grant has a warehouse he keeps for some of the seedier side of the campaign work. I don’t know why I didn’t think about it ‘til now. I’m really sorry about that,” I confess. I have so much information compartmentalized in my head, it’s not the first time I’ve forgotten something.

Greg shrugs.“You remembered now. I have enough intel and proof to put him away for a long fucking time. I’m going to get to work and we’re finally going to get our girl, yeah?”

Nodding, we say goodbye. She may not know she’s mine yet, but she will.



It’s been a few hours since we’ve spoken to Greg, and my mind is racing. We were already too late to save Lennon from Xav’s plans. I just need to get to my girl! Everything’s moving so damn slowly!

Growling under my breath, I prowl downstairs to distract myself. The sun has long gone down, but the twins are two and I’m finding a bedtime for them is just laughing in the face of order. It doesn’t do anything.

Aiden and Nadia sleep when they’re exhausted, but they’re cute. They’re fiercely protective of each other, hold hands as they run, and make sure they get the same amount of everything.

They’re a little terrifying in their exactness. Thank God they’re not identical twins, because they’d make their teachers crazy by switching places constantly. Lips twitching in a rare moment of amusement, I watch them bicker with Link.

“Daddy, no bed! Play time with Nadi,” Aiden insists. He’s a master negotiator.

I’ve never been a big fan of children, but being around the four of them is making me reconsider. Everything would have to change, but the idea of not being able to have children with Lennon for some reason, makes me rub my chest at the sudden pain it gives me.

“Aiden, it’s after nine already,” Link groans. “I have to be up early tomorrow. I’ll let you fall asleep with Mommy and I if you go to bed right now?”

Negotiating with the toddler terrorist. Bad move, but I can understand the urge. These kids are scary smart.

“No, Daddy. Still go to bed and not tired!” Nadia says, stomping her feet. “My tummy hungry… pink fruit, please?”

Nadia is obsessed with raspberries currently, and I have a sneaking suspicion it’s because it’s pink. She’s the only tomboy I know who’s obsessed with the color pink, and I love it.

“Link,” I chuckle. “I’ll hang out with them if you want a break. I doubt they’re going to bed for at least another hour. I can already recognize the signs. How about pink fruit and making dinosaurs, guys?”

Nadia seriously thinks, her little hand rubbing her chin. The twins may only be two, but with so many adults around them and older siblings, they’re scary smart.

“Can the dinosaurs be pink, Ror?” she asks, and I nod sagely.

“Dinosaurs can be any color you want. It’s a rule,” I explain.

Aiden stares at me. I’ve been here for about a month, but I still surprise him. I don’t think he’s a fan of surprises, and therefore he doesn’t completely trust me yet.

“Nadi, he’s right. You can color dinosaurs any color,” Aiden agrees, emphatically nodding his head.
