Page 95 of The Sweetest Note

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Shaking my head in denial, a roaring in my ears begins. “I don’t know you,” I cry in fear. “I don’t know your name, and I don’t know if Xav is pulling your strings. I don’t trust you.”

The admission tastes bitter on my lips, because a part of me wants to know him. He saved me from death… but so many terrible things happened after that.

I don’t know if living is what I want right now.

“Shit,” he mutters. “My name is Orion Kingston… we went to high school together, do you remember that?”

Blowing my bangs out of my face, I rub my face, no longer acknowledging the blood on my hands. I can remember a boy with blond hair and a cocky grin when I really concentrate and…

“You played football for the high school,” I muse. “The high school football team aren’t humans I choose to trust very much, so this doesn’t really influence me in the way you may want.”

Orion nods, taking several steps towards me, and I gasp, back peddling so fast my spine hits a tree trunk.

“Argh,” I whimper, blinking at him. “No. Please. You can’t take me. I’ll die. I may as well be dead!”

My voice raises until I’m screaming, my unused vocal cords aching as I raise my knife to my throat. My body is still pretty bruised, and none of this is helping. “I will kill myself rather than go back. No one is here for me,” I rasp, shaking my head. I pull the knife back just a bit as my eyes follow him. “No one wants the broken girl who’s been beaten, sold, and raped. No one wants the girl who didn’t fight harder, whose mind is so broken… I don’t know what’s real anymore. Are you even real?”

“Lennon, please just wait,” Orion begs. He’s so earnest, I can almost believe him. “Your men are in the woods searching for you. Greg is out there with them. We came to save you, but you saved yourself. I didn’t expect that, beautiful, but I’m also glad for it. Please, can you wait with me until they find us?”

“There’s a word… It makes me do things. I can’t have anyone use me to hurt people,” I confess. “I’m too fucking dangerous, even if what you’re telling me is the truth, it’s better if they don’t see me like this.”

Even as I say this, I don’t believe anyone is in the woods for me other than Xav and his men. I’m unworthy of a large-scale rescue mission like this.No one wants the broken, crazy girl.

“If it’s true…” I challenge him as I put the knife back up to my throat. “…tell them I love them.”
