Page 28 of Take Me with You

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“I’m tired, Bo,” I admitted.

He immediately jumped up and came to my side, placing his hand on my forehead. I don’t know why he chose that spot every time, but perhaps because the lump was my only visible injury so he felt better by checking on it.

I held my arms out and he pulled me upright, turning me to the side and scooping me off of my feet. “You lift me like I weigh ten pounds,” I pointed out. “You’re very strong.”

“You weigh nothing,” he confessed, blushing from the compliment. He carried me inside and hesitated before placing me in bed. “You hungry? Think you could eat a little bit today,” he asked, in case he should sit me at the table.

The care in which he held me and the selfless way he treated me melted my heart. My memory wasn’t reliable but I didn’t believe I’d ever felt the way he made me feel. The more I tried to recall an emotion like this, the more dead-ends appeared. I knew I liked him. Maybe more than he was capable of understanding.

* * *

“Bo,” I whispered. “Are you awake?”

He bolted upright. “Huh? What . . . ? You alright?” he asked, wiping at his eyes while looking around the cabin.

“Sorry to wake you, Bo. I’m struggling to remember how I got back in bed,” I said. “Did we finish the shower?”

He dragged the chair to the side of the bed and sat down. “I think you fainted.”

“And let me guess, you carried me here?” I asked, lifting the sheet covering me and noting that I was still naked.

“Hang on,” he said, disappearing into the bathroom before returning with my briefs after he’d caught me checking out my clothing status. “Washed and dried by yours truly.”

“I suppose those are the only ones you found with me?” I asked.

“Those and the tank top and shorts you were wearing,” he said. “Oh! And you had a bright yellow vest on as well.” Flashes of alivefilm ran through my mind faster than I could sort. I must have had a stunned look on my face or was dazed for a moment because he waved his hand in front of my face. “You feeling like you might pass out again?” he asked, reaching for my hand.

Every time I seemed vulnerable, he’d comfort me. The move seemed instinctual and from a place of kindness. “You said something about a yellow vest and my brain lit up for a second like I remembered something important,” I answered. “I felt like I was inside the images.”

“And now?”

I held his gaze and wondered how I could avoid falling in love with him. Here I was, lost and having no clue who I was and the desire to have him as my own was overpowering. “There’s nothing there. One second I felt like I was watching a movie with me in it, and the next thing I knew the images faded as fast as they came.”

“The yellow vest?” he asked. “Maybe a trigger?”

“What did you do with it?” I asked.

“Tossed it under the shack. Want me to get it?”

Part of me wanted to remember why I’d washed up here, but if that happened it meant that I had another life away from this beautiful man. A life I knew nothing of. What if I had a mate? The ridiculously premature feelings of love couldn’t be possible could they? “Maybe another time,” I answered, stalling the inevitable.

We stared at each other. His blue eyes were locked on my blue eyes, both of us wanting to admit something to the other, but not exactly sure what that would be. I was probably wishing his desire for me was true, projecting my emotions onto him, but I felt something strong between us.

He was the first to break away, appearing uncomfortable. “Up to eating?” he asked, standing and stepping away from the bed. He’d felt the connection too. I could see it in his soulful eyes. Bo was a lover and the proof was written all over his face.

“Maybe another sandwich like the one you made for lunch,” I said. “I enjoyed that. What did you call that meat?” I added.

He burst out laughing. “It’s Spam.”

“Spam,” I repeated. “Never heard of it.”


“Water or Mellow yellow?” P yelled from the porch.

We decided I could call him P since he had the letter tattooed on the soft side of his wrist. He wasn’t sure why the letter was there or who or what it was for. I worried it was an initial for a loved one, maybe his other half. He guessed he had a pet or a friend he valued whose name began with P and he’d memorialized them. At any rate he didn’t know so we didn’t spend much time wondering. I hoped it was for anyonebuta partner.

“Water please,” I hollered back.
