Page 37 of Take Me with You

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I gripped his head tightly and thrust into his mouth while he pounded on his cock. “Holy fuuuccckkk,” I growled, placing a hand on the shower wall beside me to steady myself for the orgasm I knew was close. “Suck it, boy!” I yelled, pounding my fist on the shower wall.

My eyes popped open the moment my orgasm blasted from my dick. “Oh my fucking God! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!” I said through gritted teeth. He kept me in his mouth and took my load before he shuddered and stiffened up as his come sprayed from him.

He sat on the shower floor, leaning his back against the plastic wall and grinned at me. “That was incredible, Bo. You drive me wild.”

I’d come down from my orgasm high and the reality of how I acted toward someone who was recovering, worried me. “I’m sorry,” I said, holding my hands out to him. “I’m not sure what came over me.”

“Sorry?” he asked. “For what? Please don’t apologize for enjoying what gets you off.”

“You sure?” I asked. “I’m not normally that person.”

He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled into my chest. “I know that, Bo. I realize I’ve only been here a couple of weeks but I see the man you are, and that guy is loving and kind.”

“So all the smack talk and telling you what to do to me was okay?”

“Oh, trust me, it’s more than okay. Your aggressive style turned me on completely and if you’re up for more of it, I’d like to explore that side with you.”

I moved him away and smiled. “Even theboypart?”

“Especiallythe boy part. You definitely woke something up in me and I want more,” he admitted.

We finished showering and decided to take a nap after we retrieved the groceries from the dock. “If you wake up early and want another session just let me know,” he said, tucking his head under my arm and draping his arm over my chest. “You know, just in case you need your boy to help ya out.”

The day had been epic in my mind and I knew I was falling for him fast. I had a fervent wish that he would be here long enough to fall in love with me too. We fell asleep at two in the afternoon with birds chirping and sunlight peeking through the cracks in the walls. The future felt hopeful and I felt a little less alone.


I’d lost track of time and spent less and less time obsessing over who I was and from where I’d come. Three and a half weeks had gone by and according to a calendar on his wall from a gas station namedHoward’s, the date was now late June. I’d lived with Bo since Memorial Day weekend and we’d slid into a comfortable routine.

The days rolled into one another as we got to know each other better. Bo was incredibly attentive and loving. He was affectionate and made any excuse to touch me and impress upon me how he felt about us. That I knew of, I’d never been half of a duo so filled with romantic gestures, but then again, did I truly know that? He couldn’t seem to get enough of me and I loved how his attentive ways made me feel inside. I believed Bo cared because he showed me every moment of every day we’d spent together. I was past wondering about my feelings for him. He was everything I desired in a man even if I didn’t know what my experiences had been by that point of my life.

And his way of showing how he cared for me wasn’t just physical. Bo took care of me and watched me thoughtfully as he gathered intel on what made me click. I noticed him studying me carefully like he was compiling the information he needed to be the perfect man for me. I worried that I wasn’t doing my part because he made me his sole priority, and I didn’t think I’d ever been a part of something so caring in my past or if I possessed his skills at love. Of course, I couldn’t be positive about my past experiences with men, but his ways with me were extraordinary and I craved what he provided.

He caught me staring at him all googly eyed. “What are you thinking about, cutie,” he asked, leaning forward for a kiss.

“I’m going with you today,” I insisted, returning his kiss and watching him get back to sorting his fishing gear.

“Not yet, baby,” he responded, once again putting me off. “I’m checking pots today and they’re quite a ways outside Port Royal Sound.”

“I’m going,” I stated emphatically. “I know you’re freaked out that I might panic out there but I won’t. I want to join you at your job, Bo. I can’t keep living off of you.”

“You’re not living off of me, baby. I like taking care of us.”

I sat beside him on the dock and leaned into his shoulder. “I like that you take care of us too, but you should know I don’t think I’m that guy, okay? I instinctively know that you providing for me long term will not work for our relationship, Bo. I need you to understand that.”

“Our relationship?” he asked, skimming past every other word I’d said in my statement. “Are we in a relationship? Like along-termrelationship?” he teased. “I mean, you did saylong term, right?”

I laid back on the dock and yanked him on top of me. With my arms around his neck I pulled his face closer and forced him to kiss me. We made out for several minutes because I knew Bo loved the intimacy of kissing and the act made him crazy with affection. “I’m serious, Bo,” I said when he rolled off of me and to his side. I laid my head on his extended arm and he wrapped me up in his strength.

“I want to tell you something,” he announced shyly, running his fingers over my stomach, outlining my abdominals. “But I’m afraid to say it.”

I used my hand and elbow to prop myself up, facing him. “Remember what we talked about,” I asked. “We’re going to always say what we think and be open to each other’s needs, right?”

“We haven’t even known each other for a month,” he began, “and . . . well, I’ve gotten attached to you and things like that. You know, like strong feelings and things like that.”

“Things like that?”I teased, caressing his chest.

He swatted my hand away.
