Page 51 of Take Me with You

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“That wouldn’t matter at this point. I’m with you now, but I think he’s seen you somewhere. Maybe there was a news report or article about you being missing.”

His words sent a shock through me and chills settled at the base of my spine. “Shit!”I hissed. “We didn’t think about that, Bo. Of course, my folks would contact the news and blast my disappearance to the world. Fuck!

“Get back to the boat, baby. Go now!” he instructed. “I’ll be there in a minute. Marcus can pay me another time for the catch. Hurry. Go.”

The boat ride back to the shack was spent in silence. I was deep in thought about the chance meeting we’d just had with Jamie. When I gave more thought to how Jamie studied us, I realized he’d recognized me, and I knew Bo was right. He’d seen my face alright, but it hadn’t happened in a chance meeting or a passer-by glance. He just hadn’t put it together yet and when he did, well who knew?

I moved from my place on the boat and joined Bo on the bench seat near the outboard motor. I held his hand as he concentrated on the water ahead, avoiding any debris in the river. I leaned into his ear. “I’ll call them in the morning.”

He didn’t say anything but squeezed my hand. He was probably worrying about what came after I made the call. I knew I was. “Will you leave?” he asked, turning to me. I held his hand tighter. “I’ll understand if you need to.”

“I’m only going if you join me, Bo. I’m an adult and I can make my own choices,” I stated. “After momma gets over the shock of my call, I’ll explain what happened and arrange my return to Charleston when I feel better prepared.”

“If you need to go right away I can join you later after you deal with what’s waiting for you,” Bo said. “I mean, I get it. Your return after more than six weeks will be a shock to your family and friends. You may need some time to adjust.”

“I prefer to go home with you by my side, Bo. I’m not ashamed of what happened between us since the storm, and they need to witness us as a couple.”

Bo was quiet after my statement. His silence spoke volumes.

“You disagree, don’t you?” I asked.

“Think about it, baby,” he began, checking behind him for traffic as he made the turn down the branch of the river toward his shack. “They thought you were killed in the storm. Shockingly, you call out of the blue and tell them you’re alive, and then show up with me on your arm?”

“So?” I asked. “You saved my life, Bo. Of course, they’ll be happy to meet you.”

“What about Phillip?” he asked, slowing as we approached the dock and home.

“What do I care?” I asked. “He basically confessed to cheating on me that night. If he has the balls to show his face around me, then he’s a bigger asshole than I thought.”

“That’s harsh, baby,” he said.

I secured the boat and stepped onto the dock, turning back to him in anger. “I’ll tell you what’s harsh, Bo. Harsh is when your partner of ten years admits he fucked around. And because that’s not quite enough hurt, then he has the nerve to trap you on a boat with him and his tryst and ask you to consider being part of a three way. Now that’s fucking harsh!” I raged, pissed that I had to remind him of what happened.

“Hayes, baby. I’m on your side here,” he defended.

I dropped the rope I held and glared at him. “Then fucking act like it!”


We both showered. Unfortunately, separately. Hayes refused my offer of fried rice with Spam so I knew he was upset with me. When I got out of the bathroom he was in bed, facing the wall with his back to me. There was chill in the room despite the temperatures being in the high eighties.

I slid into bed beside him and molded my body to his. He didn’t act like he liked it but he didn’t pull away either. I moved my mouth to his ear and kissed him softly. “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, baby.”

This was the first time we’d hurt the other’s feelings and I didn’t like the silence or the fear of rejection setting up residence in my stomach. I’d been on the receiving end of silence in the past after doing something wrong around Jamie. The fear of being dumped had always worried me back then and I found myself once again feeling the same terrible emotion.

“You’re not breaking up with me are you?” I asked.

Hayes quickly rolled over to face me. “Why would you ask me that?” he inquired quietly. “Over a simple disagreement, Bo?”

“I don’t actually feel very secure at the moment,” I confessed. “I’m afraid, Hayes.”

He placed his head into my neck and placed an arm over my chest. “I love you, Bo. Do you understand me?” he whispered, drawing circles on my bare chest. “I love you. I understand that we just met a month and a half ago, but this—us—whatever these feelings are may seem premature, but I disagree. I know that I love you.”

“I thought Jamie did too, but we had a disagreement about him going to college and then he just up and left me here, Hayes,” I said. “I am afraid of you leaving me.”

“Look at me,” he said, pulling my chin to the side.

My eyes were welling up and I didn’t like my chances of keeping the tears where they were, swimming in my eyes.
