Page 56 of Take Me with You

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“Easy, baby,” I whispered, kissing the top of his head.

“I don’t like this, Hayes. I don’t like you leaving here with your ex one bit.”

“Either I go with them or get arrested,” I defended. “The sooner I get them out of my hair, the sooner you can join me in Charleston. Can you hang on?” I asked.

“You don’t even know my cell number, baby.”

He was correct, I didn’t. “Write it down while I put my clothes on,” I said.

I washed up on shore six weeks prior wearing three things and that was all I had to pack. And by pack I meant put on my body. Shorts, a tank top, and briefs. I didn’t even have shoes and Bo’s feet were three sizes too big.

“Take the flip-flops,” he said, gesturing to the side of the bed. Bo waited by the open screen door, staring out at the unwanted guests. “This is fucked, Hayes. I hate not having any power to protect you.”

I slipped my feet in the cheap shoes and came to his side, facing him and holding his hands. “I love you,” I said. “You know I’d take you with me if I could, right?”

“I know,” he mumbled.

“I mean it, Bo. I am not leaving you. You hear me?” Bo’s eyes filled and all he managed to do was nod his head and hold my hands. He wouldn’t let go and I had three men staring at us from the dock. I kissed him and put my arms around his neck. “I am not leaving you behind. You have to trust me, Bo.”

He let go of my hands and I made my way to the dock and the patrol boat. I stepped onto the boat and rushed to the front so I could wave goodbye and keep my eyes on the man who had changed my life in so many ways. I hoped he believed me when I said I wasn’t abandoning him.


Iran the length of the dock as fast I could to reach Crab King restaurant and to confront Jamie. Only he could have been the one to identify Hayes and make a call to the authorities. The least he could have done was call me first and ask what was going on with Hayes, but he hadn’t.

I didn’t waste time using the back door and instead burst through the front door of the closed restaurant and beat a path to the kitchen. I waved off a server who was prepping tables.

“I know Marcus,” I said, running past her and attempting to calm my nerves.

I crashed through the swinging doors to the kitchen and quickly searched for the rat.

Marcus stepped out from a cooler and noticed me. “Hey, Bo. You’re a bit early for lunch, but I can whip you up something.”

“Where the fuck is Jamie?” I hissed. I noticed the back door was ajar. I could’ve saved myself a trip and just gone around back like usual. I pointed to the open door. “Is he out back?”

“Now hang on, Bo. What’s got you all up in arms?” Marcus asked, stepping in front of the door. “How about we calm down and you tell me what’s wrong.”

“Wedon’t need to fucking calm down, Marcus. Where is he?” I demanded.

Jamie pulled the door open behind Marcus. Our eyes met and held for a few seconds before he turned and bolted.

I pushed Marcus out of my way and ran after Jamie, catching up to him half a block away. I grabbed his arm and gripped him tightly.

“You asshole,” I swore. “Can’t mind your own fucking business, can you?”

His eyes were wide and he kept darting glances at my free hand just in case I started swinging. “What?” he asked, acting like a dumbass. “I ain’t done shit.”

I grabbed the collar of his T-shirt and moved my face within an inch of his. “Don’t fuck with me, Jamie,” I raged, spittle landing on his face. “You need to be very clear about your next words, you fucking narc.”

“Fuck off, Bo. That guy’s been missing for weeks, man. And you had him the entire time? What kinda shit is that?” he asked. “Maybe you need to be mad at yourself for hiding someone people thought was missing or worse, dead!”

“You had no right and you know it, you fucking rat.”

“What? Did the po-po take your man away from you?” he taunted. “All alone again?”

A man had his limits.

I swung at him and knocked him square in the jaw. He swung back but I deflected his hand and punched him directly in his gut. He hunched over, gasping for air when I slammed him across his back and dropped him to his knees.
