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GABRIELTOOKAquick breath like a gasp, his fingers reaching to capture her face. She tasted like melted honey, and for a moment he savoured her softness and her sweetness. His hand tightened in her hair and he pulled her closer, pressing against her soft, pliant body, breathing in the scent of sweet-peas and warm skin.

Everything was white and gold and grey, and somewhere over his shoulder he could hear the sea’s endless murmur. She moved closer, reaching up to stroke his face, and he felt her fingertips grazing against the stubble on his jaw, light as butterfly wings, then moving lower to his shoulders. And all the time she was kissing him, angling her mouth against his, her teeth catching his lower lip, nipping, teasing...

His heart running wild, maddened by her touch, wanting more, needing more, he broke the kiss and tipped her onto the bed. Stepping back, he yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. His heart was beating inside his head, in time to the thick, urgent pulse of his blood, and he tried to think of the last time he’d felt so out of control.

But then she pulled off her top and wriggled out of her shorts and it was impossible to think. He edged back slightly, the better to admire her small, high breasts in a white cotton bra and the dip of her waist, his body hardening.

She saw it, and her hands reached for him, pressing flat against the outline of his erection, feeling the length and shape of him. He sucked in a breath as a jolt of hunger, hot and sharp like electricity, snaked across his skin, his body stiffening to stone as she unzipped his trousers and freed him.

For a moment he couldn’t breathe. His whole body was shivering, as if he was cold, but his skin was on fire. Her fingers curled around the length of him, and then he breathed out jerkily as she leaned forward and he felt the tip of her tongue flick over the blunt head of his erection.

‘Ah—’ Groaning, he threaded his fingers through her hair, pulling it free so that it spilled over her shoulders like a pale waterfall. She was moving now, dipping lower, licking the shaft, holding him in her mouth...

He swore softly. ‘My turn.’

Teeth clenched, he pulled free and nudged her back onto the bed. Breathing unsteadily, he hooked his fingers into her panties and slid them off her body. Her eyes were fixed on his face, narrowed and storm-dark with passion. Leaning forward, he kissed her softly, his thumb shaping her waist and her stomach, moving lower to trace a path through the triangle of white-gold curls.

She rocked towards him, whimpering against his lips, and he slipped his fingers deep inside her, moving them back and forth, feeling her pulse in his hand. Breaking the kiss, he gently parted her legs and crouched over her, breathing in her scent. Her legs were trembling slightly and, sliding his hands under the curve of her bottom, he steadied her, And then he lowered his mouth to the slick heat between her thighs.

Dove arched against his mouth, her fingers digging into his shoulders. Her body was humming like a train track. She could feel the flat of his tongue against the hard nub of her clitoris, feel the muscles inside her clenching as she moved beneath him. The humming inside her was getting louder and louder. She felt soft and ripe and open. Could feel her body coming adrift...

Her fingers flexed against his shoulders. ‘I want you inside me...’

He stared at her, his face blunt with the effort of stopping. ‘I’ll have to go to my room—’ he said hoarsely.

‘No.’ She grabbed his wrist. ‘It’s fine.’

She pulled him back onto the bed, and his eyes narrowed with a hunger that made her shudder all the way through. He slid her under him, moving against her, his weight on his elbow as he reached down to stroke the head of his erection between her thighs.

Her hands moved to his hips as she felt him push up and she lifted her own hips, felt him push again. And then he was inside her, warm and sleek and hard. He started to move slowly, lifting and lowering like the cresting waves outside, and each time she felt a whisper of liquid heat ripple through her body like a current beneath the water.

It was delicious, and the bliss of it dazzled her.

Her eyelashes fluttered shut and she moaned softly, her hands curving round his arching back, gripping his vertebrae as if she was holding on to the side of a mountain. He was thrusting deeper now, and harder, then deeper still, and she could feel the heat building inside her, fierce, white-hot, stinging.

Her muscles were tightening now, tensing around him, holding him but not holding him. Flames were dancing inside her eyelids. She was burning, melting, chasing the heat, wanting to escape it, yet wanting to make it go on and on and on, wanting it to last for ever, knowing she would die of pleasure if it did—

She shuddered helplessly, her body spasming, tightening and loosening all at once. His mouth found hers and he groaned her name, his muscles snapping tight as he thrust inside her.

Breathing raggedly, Dove gripped his shoulders to steady herself. Her whole body was trembling like a sapling in a storm. She was aware of everything and conscious of nothing. The clean white walls and the shell-pink curtains fluttering in the breeze. The endless blue outside like a Hockney swimming pool. And beside her, inside her, Gabriel, his shuddering breath hot against her throat, his damp skin sticking to hers, so that it was impossible to tell where she ended and he began.

She felt him shift, move his weight, but she couldn’t move. She just lay there, trying to breathe. It took a while, and even then it was all her throbbing body and hammering heart would allow her to do for a long time. She knew that there was only him, and there would only ever be him. And the truth of that scared her, and made her want to hold him close for ever, even though she knew it wasn’t possible and that this was the end not a new beginning.

For a few seconds she tried to hold herself apart from him, but then she pressed her face against his shoulder, tears spilling onto her cheeks.

‘Don’t cry.’ He kissed the tears off her face, kissed her eyelids, her forehead, her mouth, with gentle, tender kisses that wrenched at her heart. ‘I don’t ever want to make you cry.’

‘It’s not you—’

Obviously that wasn’t true. Being here with Gabriel’s body inside hers was like standing in a thunderstorm on a hill. Like breathing in raw ozone with electricity crackling through her blood. But with it there was the sadness of a summer lost, of days of sunlight and newly cut grass turned to ash in confusion and doubt and a lack of faith.

And then there was the pain of her father’s betrayal. Her throat tightened. Betrayal was surely too strong a word. But why, then, did it feel as if the world had broken apart beneath her feet?

She had no idea what could have motivated Oscar to act like that, or why he had said all that stuff about her having a change of heart. For so long she had believed that he had been trying to protect her. Or perhaps more accurately she hadwantedto believe that he’d been trying to protect her. But the truth was her relationship with her father had been difficult for as long as she could remember. Sometimes he’d been sweet, but often he’d been cold and distant and impossible to like. And then he’d be funny and charming and she’d forget. It was almost as if he hadn’t been able to decide how he felt about her.

Gabriel’s arm felt warm and heavy against her body. It made her feel safe, secure in a way she hadn’t felt in the longest time. Only she knew that she didn’t deserve to feel that way.
