Page 13 of Jarrn

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“Want what, Delia? Tell me.”

Her eyes flutter open and she catches my gaze. This is a new Delia I’m meeting for the first time. My usually brash friend who never has trouble speaking her mind looks like a frightened littledwikkurin the forest.

Then the Delia I know returns. With a vengeance.

“I want all of you, Jarrn. Every. Single. Inch. I want your lips and tongue wherever they want to explore. I want you toinvademe, big guy. Everywhere.” She even manages a naughty smile and a wink.

Despite her brash invitation, I’m going to proceed in increments. Perhaps I’m dim-witted, but there’s still a large part of my mind that wonders if Delia knows exactly what she asked for.

There’s no time like the present to let her see the real male she’s sharing this room with.

“Take off those clothes.” I use my most commanding tone as I sit up, fold my arms across my chest, and prepare to watch with as much enjoyment as she displayed while I danced for her last night.

“I-I…” Though she sputters as if she wants to protest, she’s on her feet in record time, ready to do as I asked.

For the second time in these few minutes, she gathers her courage, slashes me a gutsy smile, and steps to the foot of the bed right in front of me.

Mimicking some of my moves from last night, she swings her hips, tips her head down, and slashes me a flirtatious, beckoning look through lowered lashes. Did I think my cock was hard as a steel girder before? Now it’s twitching against my pants so insistently I wonder if the room will soon be filled with the sound of ripping fabric.

She’s warming to her task, shaking her hips more wildly as she unbuttons her shirt in slow, precise movements. My mouth is dry as dust as I watch. Is this what those females felt toward me last night? It’s a wonder they all managed to stay in their seats and not storm the stage.

She tosses her head, thrusts out her breasts, and allows the light blue fabric of her shirt to slip off one shoulder. Only by vigorous shimmying does the shirt slowly, slowly make its way down her curvy body to expose her white satin bra.

“De–” My mouth is too dry to say her full name.

She must understand the shortage of syllables, because my dumbfounded statement brings a little smile to her face. “Like what you see, Jarrn?”

As I nod, I wonder if she sees my cock give its own enthusiastic bob from beneath my thin pants.

After allowing the fabric to slide to the floor, then kicking it toward the door, she slips her thumbs inside the waistband of her skirt and spears me with a look filled with unspoken promises.

She must have taken mental notes last night because she’s teasing me just as I teased all those females in the audience.

She pulls the fabric side to side, allowing it to slide down her body in the tiniest increments. My blood is pounding in my cock, accompanied by the words ‘need, need, need’ screaming in my mind.

Is that my growl ricocheting around the room? She’s driven me into an ogre frenzy. I need to get my mouth on her before I lose all control.

“Enough!” I stand and needn’t even take a step before I grip her, pull her skirt off in one swift movement, and toss her on the bed.

She gives a little squeak, bringing me back to reality with a start.

“Did I scare you? Terrify you?” Crap. I’ve ruined everything between us.

“Shut up and fuck me, Jarrn.”



“So impatient,” he says, shaking a claw my way. A sly smile rises on his face, revealing his glorious tusks. There’s something primal and wild about him, and I need to feel it. Taste it. With a growl, he climbs up over me, and for a second, a hint of the vulnerable guy I’ve come to care for shadows his eyes. “You’re sure, Del?”

I put my arms around his shoulders. “I’ve never been more sure of anything but you, Jarrn. Always you.”

His shy expression is replaced with need. He kisses me, slanting his mouth across mine, and his hands start roaming, stroking my sides and teasing up beneath my breasts. He leaves my mouth, and I tremble as his warm breath caresses my skin, sending a wave of heat through my body. His soft kisses slowly make their way down my neck, working across my chest in circles. He pauses to run his tongue across my nipple, and I nearly lift right off the bed. The sensation is more intense than anything I’ve experienced before, and I want more. It feels so right and true, because I’m with him.

I tease his hair and stroke his neck, gliding my fingers down to cup his shoulders.

He sucks my nipple into his mouth and scrapes one of his tusks across it. A hoarse cry erupts from my throat, something feral and wild.
