Page 32 of Jarrn

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"W-what? Oh, your scarring? I hired you for Monsters in Review because you're an ogre. They're still referred to as monsters in the more provincial areas of the galaxy. Your scarring? That just makes you look dangerous. Sexy." She has the audacity to wink at him.

They finish their conversation with her offer that he can return to the Review anytime, and her observation that she doubts he'd ever need to.

The room is silent when the door closes behind her. We slowly face each other as we process what she just said. Jarrn pulls me into the bathroom and we both silently stare at his face in the mirror.

Was Kressida correct when she said he was gorgeous? I've always thought so, but there was the matter of his scarring.

We're both looking at him as if it's the first time either of us have seen his face. Kressida was right. It's not so much a disfigurement as an enhancement that draws attention to how beautiful his blue eyes are and how perfectly his aquiline nose fits the shape of his face.

"Your scar seemed so big. So overwhelming," I whisper.

He rubs his palm on it. "Yeah."

It strikes me like a thunderbolt. I saw it as bigger and more terrible than it was because of my guilt. I was so busy beating myself up about it, I couldn't see it for what it was.

He gives a rueful laugh as he turns his head to get a better look at it, sliding his fingertips across it. "I remember when I was in secondary school and a pimple seemed as big as a giant dwarf planet on my face. I thought everyone was looking at it. That's how this felt."

We're still holding hands as we gaze at his handsome face in the mirror.

"Can you let it go, Delia? Can you finally allow all your guilt to melt away?"

I feel as if something cracks open in my chest as the final remnants of guilt slip away. As if by magic, it lets me love this big guy even more.

Our gazes meet, and I let him see the depth of my emotion. Last night we didn't need the aphrodisiacs to fuel the flames of our lust. I can't get enough of him.

But it feels different now. Deeper.

"I know it's the middle of the day and we have to arrange a shuttle and pack, Jarrn, but take me to bed and let me show you just how much I love you. I'm bursting with it."

He lifts me into his arms and strides to the bed.

"You don't have to ask me twice, Delia. I'll let you show me just how much you love me...afterI show you five or ten times myself."




Look. At. Her. She's so beautiful.

I can’t force the smile off my face. Why should I, though? If I can’t be happy today of all days, where’s the fun in life?

I still don't understand why she insisted on wearing the white dress. She says it's a human thing, but couldn't explain it. It doesn't matter. She looks so perfect, why would I complain?

This last year and a half has been a whirlwind of activity, what with my career taking off like an ion propulsion rocket, Delia diving into her screenplay writing job, and not one but two moves to different sectors as filming locations changed.

Somehow, we not only stepped into our new lives, but we managed to become even stronger as a couple. Between our grueling work schedules, a walk on the red carpet at the Nebula awards, and being accepted into each other’s families, we were too busy to plan a wedding until recently.

As I look into the mirror to adjust this ridiculous tie, I catch a look at my bride-to-be in the reflection. She's caressing her barely rounded belly with her palm. And the smile on her face? Each time she does that, it's like she takes a little trip to heaven.

I can't blame her. If we weren't in such a blasted hurry I'd stride over there and touch our child too. We're both so happy to be bringing a little one into the family.

Delia had a moment of panic when she discovered she was pregnant. Her green eyes were huge and luminous as she wondered how we would manage with both our work schedules and a new babe.

It only took a moment of discussion to hammer out the details. Between her mother, my family, and the help of a few friends, the three of us will do just fine.

When I hear the knock at our door, I assume it's someone telling us it's time to walk down the aisle. It was a stroke of genius when Delia suggested we come back aboard theJeweled Empressfor our ceremony.

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