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Vikram Raawal, she was realizing, was more of a hero than the world realized. And he was here with her, fully, in this moment. Hers to do whatever she wanted with. But only for tonight. Only now.

There was no future, no happily-ever-after. Not with Vikram Raawal. Not for her. And she wanted more. She wanted everything tonight.

She sent her fingers on a query up his neck, into his thick hair. “Vikram?”

His head jerked up, his light brown eyes intent on her face. His nostrils flared, something almost like victory dancing in his eyes before he turned his gaze back to her fingers. As if he couldn’t allow himself to be distracted for too long from her body and its secrets. He kissed, licked and tongued each knuckle with an erotic thoroughness that sent tremors through her lower belly. “Yes, Dream Girl?”

“All those things you mentioned you wanted to do to me, with me...” She licked her suddenly dry lips when he looked up. “Can we do them? Like, right now?”

He straightened up from his lounging position with a grace Naina knew she’d never have. When he’d walked in earlier, he’d looked so polished, sophisticated, so out of her reach he might as well be the sun to her earth. Now, she could see that his lower lip had a small bump where she’d bitten it, his collar had a stain of her lipstick on it and his expensively cut hair stood up in all directions after she’d pulled her fingers through it.

He looked...suitably rumpled. A little changed. More approachable. As if she’d left her mark on him.

Tomorrow, even a few hours later, all those changes would be gone. He would go back to being Vikram Raawal, the man who had a multi-crore industry at his feet, worshipping him, wanting a piece of him. But Naina wanted him to remember tonight—and her—for a long time to come.

He licked her lower lip, before tugging it gently between his teeth. “Are you sure?” he whispered against her mouth.

“Yes, please. One hundred percent,” she said fervently.

“How old are you, Dream Girl?”

“Old enough to know my own mind.”

“Answer me.”


He blew out a breath and shook his head.

“Oh, come on, Vikram, I know you’re a few years older than me, but don’t go all honorable on me now. I’m all keyed up. If you leave me hanging tonight, I might have to go knock on my ex’s door and beg him—”

He pressed his palm to her mouth and Naina licked it. She tasted salt and sweat, and she felt as if she was drunk on a heady cocktail that was all him.

“No, you won’t. That rat doesn’t deserve you. And I—”

“Do you want the whole lecture about arbitrary constructs again? Because the first one was just a warm-up.”

“God, no!”

“This is an experience I want to have with you, not a gift I’m bestowing on you. Not a thing that will devalue me if I give it away. If you think my ex should have respected my no, then you should respect my yes.”

“I don’t have condoms on me, but I swear to you I’m clean.”

She blushed. “I’m clean and on the pill. Have been for a while.”

“In preparation for the rat?” he asked, scrunching his face distastefully.

She shrugged. “He dumped me just as I was ready to make that commitment. Finally. Poor guy put in two years’ worth of hard work and persuasion and never got to reap the results.”

“He’s a fool, Dream Girl. And don’t talk about yourself like that.” He took her mouth in a rough kiss so full of passion that it clearly told her how much control he’d exerted when she’d been all over him earlier. How much he’d let her explore him. His forehead pressed against hers in a gesture that spoke of a tenderness she wouldn’t have associated with this man. “So you’ve never done this before?”

“I hated being constantly pressured. But I knew my mind when I didn’t want it. Just as I know for certain that I do now. I want to have sex. With you. Right now, Vikram, if you please?”

“It pleases me a lot. And if you want to stop, anytime, all you have to do is say so.”

She nodded, and bit her lip. Excitement fizzed through her like the bubbles in a bottle of the best champagne. She was nervous too, of course.

He was used to women who were size zero and highly sophisticated. She was...nowhere close to either. The dark couldn’t hide her little ice-cream bulge, could it? And for all the kissing she’d practiced, she hadn’t ever been anywhere near a man’s...thing.
