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She sat like a doll while he undid her seat belt in quick movements. She went with him when he took her down the walkway to the villa they shared, straight through to her bedroom.

“Now, how about you tell me what’s really wrong.” His gaze ran over her face. “You still look like you’re in shock.”

How could she fall for a man who could control his desire and feelings as if he had access to an on/off switch? Who didn’t even have an affair without calculating all the pros and cons?

She was never going to get over him, because even in this fog of fear, she knew no one would top Vikram for her. No one would know her or like her or care for her more than he did. Because he did, she knew that. Despite his own reservations. But by the same measure, would he always deny even the possibility of them being together long-term?

“Ihavereceived a shock,” she finally mumbled.

“Did someone say something to you?”

She shook her head, one tear rolling down her cheek.

“Tell me what’s bothering you.”

His gentle tone made the feeling in her chest swell, until she couldn’t breathe. No one had ever paid so much attention to her well-being. Not even Papa.

“Come, Dream Girl. I know I’m not a real hero but I can fix anything for you. I want to fix it for you.”

“I just realized that I’ve fallen in love. With you.” She wiped the tear from her cheek and laughed. “With the arrogant, dominating, I-make-my-own-rules Vikram Raawal, who can’t even have a fling with me because it breaks his rules.”

His head jerked back, his shock clear in those beautiful eyes. “What?”

Naina fell to her bed and buried her face in her hands. “And I just told you, didn’t I? Not that it makes any difference.”

“You think it makes no difference to me to know that you love me?” Those simple words sounded unusual on his tongue.

“Not in the big scheme of things, no. You abhor the entire concept of love. I know you well enough for that. And by blurting it out like that, I only opened myself to your ridicule. To you pushing me away again.”

He knelt in front of her and tipped her chin up. Those eyes were tender, his knuckles gentle on her cheek. As if she were precious. As if he were afraid he would mar her with his touch.

This big man, on his knees in front of her, the look in his was an image she would never forget.

And Naina knew that while he might never love her, he did care about her. He had kept his distance not because it was easy for him but because he’d thought it was the right thing to do while she worked for him. Not because she wasn’t good enough.

Because Vikram always did the right thing, did his duty. Whether it was hard, or inconvenient or even if it meant denying himself happiness.

“I would never ever ridicule you. Never. What you have told me is a gift, Naina. Believe me, cold and calculating as I am, even I recognize it.

“Your words are a gift, Dream Girl. One I’m not sure I even deserve.”

“Is it?”

“Absolutely. And even before you told me this, I had my plans for you.”

“Like sneakily sending me a dress and diamonds?” She pressed her fingers to the warm stones at her throat. “Why, Vikram? I don’t understand.”

“I wanted you to have what you needed to go to the party.”

She nodded, realizing how simple it was to him. She was now under the umbrella of protection Vikram Raawal extended. Whether she asked for it or not, he would always care about her. Give her whatever she asked. Except...himself. “You should know when I say I love you, I... I have no expectations of you. It is simply a fact. Like I love my stepmother and Maya and my neighbor’s old dog Vicky.”

“How charming that your neighbor’s dog is named after me.” He held her gaze as his own widened. “You named him, didn’t you?”

She nodded and Vikram laughed. The joy in his chest was indescribable.

He had a feeling he could spend half a lifetime with her and she would still make him laugh. She’d give him more than he’d ever imagined he could take for himself. She’d already given him a future he looked forward to like he’d never done before.

And her love was a gift he would cherish. A privilege he would never take for granted. He would give her everything in return, everything he was capable of giving.
