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His breath slammed into Vikram’s throat as he greedily studied this woman who was going to bring him to his knees very soon. He wanted to be on his knees right now, pressing his face into her cute belly button and even lower. He wanted to fill his every breath with the scent of her arousal.

Her skin was smooth and silky. Her breasts full and high, her waist tiny. White cotton panties made her brown skin gleam. She lifted both her arms to pull her hair back and that pushed up her breasts even more. His erection pressed upward, his breath shallow.

“I think I know what would make tonight special for you,” she said, while he drank in her stunning curvy body.

“What?” he said, his voice hoarse.

“That night at the ball, you gave me a fantasy evening. I want to return the favor. I...want this time to be all about you.”

Vikram pushed away the soft duvet and straightened up some more. “My pleasure is in you finding yours, Naina.”

“No, Vikram.” She pouted and he wanted to sink his teeth into that lip. “Don’t be a gentleman. Don’t treat me with kid gloves, please. This is as much about me as it is about you. How do you like it best?”

He saw it then—her vulnerability when it came to him. Because she thought herself not particularly beautiful compared to the women of his circle. God, if only he could make her see how he saw her, right then. How gloriously fierce and sexy she looked.

Since he couldn’t, he decided to give her what she was asking for. To show her how much he wanted her.

“Fast and hard,” he whispered without a beat. “But not without you climaxing first.”

She nodded seriously, as if he was giving her life-saving instructions. “So what should I do first?”

“Are you wet for me, Dream Girl?”

Pink streaked her cheeks and the Neanderthal in him loved that only he saw her like this. But she didn’t let her obvious shyness stop her. Slowly, she sank her fingers under the cotton of her panties, her brow furrowed in concentration.

“Oh...” she whispered and it went straight to his shaft. Hell, forget fast and hard, he was going to embarrass himself at this rate. “I’m very wet,” she said with a languorous smile.

He patted the place next to him. And she came. Once she lay down on the bed, he pushed her thighs wide and rolled to lie between them. He sank one hand into her hair and pulled up her face and took her mouth in a blisteringly hungry kiss. True to her word, she gave as good as she got.

She thrust her tongue into his mouth and licked him, her soft groans falling on his skin like sizzling raindrops. He pulled away, and leaned his forehead against hers. “Naina, this is definitely what you want?”

Clear brown eyes looked into his, and he wondered if she could really see into his soul. God, this woman made him hard with just one look. And she understood what he was asking too.

That this wasn’t just about tonight. This was about their entire lives together, enmeshed. This was a commitment he would never break. And he needed to know she knew that.

She clasped his cheek and yet the tenderness didn’t break the heat of the moment. “I want to marry you, Vikram. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I’m going to be your hot, only seventy-eight-year-old wife when you’re that crotchety ninety-year-old.”

And then he didn’t wait. He gave them both what they wanted.

He pushed off his pajamas and thrust into her wet heat in one deep stroke that sent her spine arching toward him like a bolt of lightning.

He let her get used to him for a few seconds and stayed still, while busying his mouth with the elegant line of her neck, the thrust of her breasts. He licked her nipple before drawing it deep into his mouth. Her hands in his hair told her how much she liked it.

With increasingly loud moans, she goaded him on. He pulled out and thrust back in and she groaned again.

He brought her hand to where they were joined. Eyes wide, she looked down and then back up at him. “Touch yourself. Tell me when you’re close.”

She nodded, and Vikram filled his hands with her buttocks and dragged her even closer. Tilting her hips just a little, he pistoned in and out of her, desire a clamoring shout in his veins now. And she never looked away from him.

Finally, when she threw her head back and clenched against him in ecstasy, he let the last thread of his control fracture.

Naina woke up when she felt a hard arm around her waist, constricting her movements.

“A stampeding elephant moves less than you when you sleep,” a voice whispered at her ear and she smiled.

Slowly, she turned, and there he was, lying on his side, looking down at her.

A burst of joy filled her chest. “Maybe we can sleep in different bedrooms like the maharajas and maharanis of the past. You can come visit me whenever you’re in the mood.”
