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Then there’s Daisy. We collected her in our senior year. She had transferred to our school after being kicked out of her last three. She was rebellious, still is in a lot of ways. Although she settled down during that year, ended up getting into college, and now works as a youth counsellor, helping other young girls who are struggling through life. She has a sort of passion for her job that I’ve never seen in anyone else. Looking at her, you’d think she’d be better suited on the catwalk. Daisy is model tall, leggy, while her blonde hair is cut into a long bob that ends at her shoulders. It’s her eyes that I find to be the most beautiful physical attribute of hers, though. Pale blue. They’re uniquely her.

Last, but not least, there’s Claire. We added her to our little friend group in our first year of university. Claire is the smartest of us all, academically. She graduated top of her class last year at uni and is now employed by a top-tier finance firm while working her way up that corporate ladder. Whereas I opted to graduate with a diploma in paralegal studies, rather than complete the four-year law degree I had my heart set on.

And why the sudden change? Hunter-fucking-Jameson. He’d convinced me that I’d be wasting my time doing the full degree when we were going to be starting a family as soon as we were married. Hunter was old fashioned; he wanted me at home, raising the kids, while he brought in the paycheck. I was blinded by my love for him, or at least at the time, I thought it was love. I’m not so convinced now. Either way, I let him talk me into believing that I wanted that dream too. That I couldn’t wait to start a family with him, raise perfect children, and be the perfect wife.

In a lot of ways, being dumped at the altar saved me. Because, deep down, I know I would never have been satisfied with that life.

“We need to go dancing.” Daisy pulls me to my feet. “Let’s go!”

“It’s Sunday, Daisy,” I tell her.

“Precisely why we should go. It won’t be as busy.” She pushes me towards my bedroom. “Put a sexy little number on, and come dancing with me, Dani.” Daisy sticks out her bottom lip.

Eloise and Claire are quick to agree with this insane idea. Me? Not so much.

“We all have to work in the morning. I have a new job I’m starting tomorrow. I cannot be hungover.”

“Like you’ve ever been hungover in your life. Get dressed or I’m dragging you out in that.” Eloise waves a hand up and down my body.

I look down at my very worn sweatpants and tank top. “Okay, but I’m coming home early,” I warn them.

* * *

“This was the best idea ever!” I slur to Daisy with my arms wrapped around her waist. We’ve been on the dance floor for the last three hours. The club is busy but not packed, like it would be on a Friday or Saturday night.

“I told you so,” she says.

“Another drink.” I take her hand and pull her towards the bar.

We’re stopped by Eloise and Claire at the edge of the dance floor. “Come on, I’ve got a place I want to show you. You’re going to love it,” Eloise says.

There’s a little niggling in my brain that’s telling me she’s up to no good. The warning is fogged out by the—I don’t’ know how many—vodka and Red Bulls. “Sure, let’s do it,” I say with an excitement I didn’t know I had. Five minutes later, we’re walking down an alleyway. “Is this the part where you murder me? Because, if that’s the case, don’t get any blood on these shoes. They’re really expensive,” I tell Eloise. Our arms are linked as we hold each other upright.

“I’d remove your shoes first. Don’t worry.” She winks at me. “Okay, promise me you’re going to keep an open mind,” she says, stopping in front of a red and white door.

“Why do I need an open mind?” I ask her.

“Because I want you to experience this just once. Who knows? It might inspire you to get the duster out and clear those cobwebs.”

“Huh?” I’m so confused.

That confusion only gets worse as she opens the door into a darkened corridor. I look to Claire and Daisy for help, but neither of them will make eye contact with me. The sign above the counter where Eloise is talking to a half-dressed girl reads:Fire & Ice. I rack my brain, trying to figure out if I’ve heard of this place before. I’m coming up blank.

“Okay, you’re all set. Follow her.” Eloise points to a random girl. “She’s taking you to your treatment room.”

“Oh, are we at a spa?” I ask.

“Of sorts.” Daisy snorts behind me.

“Just go and watch. That’s all I’m asking you to do. Trust me,” Eloise pleads.

“Okay.” I hold up my hands in surrender. I do trust my friends. They would never lead me astray. I follow the scantily clad girl into an equally dark room.

“Take a seat. The show will start in a few,” she says before closing the door behind her.

I sit down and face a window. There appears to be a room behind the glass. It’s too dark to see much, but I can see a bench, a sofa and… a bed? Is this some sort of weird theatre?

Two minutes later, the lights in the room come on and three people enter. A lady wearing a silk dressing gown and two men wearing… nothing. Absolutely nothing.
