Page 114 of Tempting Love

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Warmth filled my chest. “I’ll grab pizza for us.”

Alice nodded, and everything was right in the world. I was reunited with Alice. My daughter loved her, and we had all the time in the world to figure out our future. The best part was that we’d do it together.



Afew weeks later, I sat outside on my patio, admiring the view while I waited for my dad to arrive. Alice took Maggie to the park so there wouldn’t be any distractions.

I’d helped Alice with her dreams, and now it was time to grab hold of mine. I had Alice to help with Maggie, and I had the example of my outdoor living space to prove to my dad I was capable, so there was no reason why I couldn’t talk to him about what I wanted.

If he said no, I was prepared to start my own company. Alice’s success and support helped me see that I had something to offer that was different from my brothers.

Dad opened the slider and joined me. “I never get tired of this view.”

“Me neither. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.”

Dad sat next to me, setting his keys on the new table. “What’s this?”

“Alice wanted to try her hands at creating a larger mosaic.” She’d couched it as a business experiment. She’d wanted to create a larger-priced item that might appeal to the clients I was hoping to attract in the future.

But she’d given it to me as a gift, and I loved that I owned a one-of-a kind table from an up-and-coming artist. The size was perfect for drinks and appetizers. But it was the design that was gorgeous. She’d chosen a mountain range with the sun setting behind it. The tiles were a mix of orange, red, and tan hues. I loved it.

“She does good work,” Dad said, running his fingers over the tiles for a few seconds before leaning back on the cushions. “You want to tell me why you wanted me to come over this morning?”

We’d already gotten together to talk about Mom and Dad’s vacation and to see the pictures. They were more relaxed and happier since they’d been home. It had been a good decision to send them. Dad even mentioned working less. “There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

“You’re not quitting, are you?” Dad straightened in his chair. “I was hoping to retire someday.”

“That’s not the plan.” I gestured around us. “You know I built this.”

Dad nodded. “It’s top-notch work.”

I took a deep breath, hoping he’d hear me out. “This is what I want to do—create outdoor living spaces.” Dad’s face pinched, so I rushed to add, “I know you think I’m not reliable, but I have Alice to help me with Maggie. I want to do this. I think this would add value and an additional source of income for the company. We can tack it onto existing builds and offer it as a separate service.”

Dad rubbed his chin. “What are you thinking, a separate division of the company that handles outdoor spaces?”

“That’s right. Currently, we’re subcontracting that work. Why should we when I can do it?” Keeping money in-house was our goal.

He shifted so his elbows rested on his knees. “We need you doing what you’re doing now.”

My heart pounded in my chest. “Let’s put it this way. We can work together, which is what I’d prefer, or I can go out on my own.”

Dad leaned back and raised his hand. “Hold on. I didn’t say I wasn’t interested. But why haven’t you mentioned this before?”

Sighing, I said, “I didn’t think you’d say yes. You don’t even put me in charge.”

“That’s because I thought you wanted the flexibility because of Maggie.”

“I’m ready to go all-in on this project. There might be times I need to be home with Maggie when she’s sick, but I want to direct the designs and projects. We can hire a good manager for day-to-day things.”

Dad was quiet for a few seconds, thinking everything over. “Get the numbers together, and you can present your proposal to Mac and Tyler.”

“Are you serious?” I wasn’t expecting him to agree so quickly. If Dad was on board, then my brothers would be too.

“You’re talented. I always thought you could do something like this but didn’t think you wanted to because of Maggie.”

“I love what we’ve built, and I want to keep expanding.” I loved working with my family, even if they could be a pain at times.
