Page 84 of Tempting Love

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“Whoops,” I said, grabbing a wet cloth to dab her face. “Anything you wanted. Paintings, jewelry, pottery.”

“How did you know you’d like mosaics?”

“I took a class in high school and loved it.” It was as simple as the encouragement of that teacher who saw something in me she hadn’t before. “You can try different things and figure out what you love the most.”

“That sounds fun.”

I loved the way Maggie looked at life, as if everything was an adventure she hadn’t gone on yet. It was refreshing and encouraging. She wouldn’t take today as a failure. She’d keep going, and I should too.

At home, we relaxed, played a few games, and read books before I made a quick meal of chicken tenders and boxed mac and cheese. It was simple comfort food.

“What were you up to today?” Sam asked when Maggie came flying at him after work.

“We went to some shops, and Miss Alice showed them her mosaics.” Each time she said the word mosaics, she stumbled over it. It was adorable.

Sam entered the kitchen with Maggie on his hip. “You did?”

“I hope that was okay. We just went into three shops, had some lunch, and painted a masterpiece.”

I showed him what Maggie had drawn. “This is amazing, sweet pea.”

“This was the dog we saw at the plant store.”

“It looks like a dog. Why don’t you put it on the cabinet in the dining room so everyone can see it?”

She dashed out of the room and Sam asked, “How’d it go?”

“Okay. Two of the stores asked for different shapes.” I busied myself with scooping the noodles into bowls.

Sam stepped closer but didn’t touch me. “Does that mean you’ll get paid for them?”

I shook my head. “No.”

The more I thought about the day, the more defeated I felt. Was I crazy to think this was possible? That because a few people online said I should sell my pieces that everyone else would feel the same way?

Sam reached out to stroke my hair. “Don’t give up. I’m sure they’ll see how amazing your work is.”

“We’ll see.” I didn’t mention that if they felt that way, today would have gone differently.

He dropped his hand when Maggie returned, and I missed his touch. It was crazy how his touch had the power to soothe me.

Maggie chatted about everything we saw and the shapes I was going to make for the shop owners.

“It’s not a waste to create other options, is it?” Sam asked while we ate.

“It’s expensive and time-consuming to create them. It would help if I already knew there was a market for them.”

“What about the owner who’d reached out about the crabs? I would think that would sell well in Maryland.”

The first time Savannah, the shop owner in Maryland, reached out, I’d researched to make sure she was legit. My research revealed that the crabs were very popular there. “I’m starting to think that might be my best option, even with the shipping.”

“Did you mention to the shops you visited today that a store had already reached out to you to carry them?”

I used my napkin to clean up the noodles Maggie dropped. “I didn’t. You think it would help?”

“It’s good to show that you’re in demand. That someone wants what you have to offer. I’m assuming the shops won’t all sell your mosaics. Only one will, right? That way it’s special.”

I chewed my lower lip, wondering whether I’d made a mistake in thinking I could do this. “I guess. I didn’t think about that.”
