Page 89 of Tempting Love

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“Unless you’re feeding her lies, I don’t see how that would be an issue. She’s always been happy to see me.”

A baby doesn’t know the difference. A four-year-old had their own ideas about things. “We’ll see.”

I didn’t want to conjure up issues when there weren’t any, but I was worried, and that was my job as a father. I wanted my daughter to be happy, and there was no way this situation was good long term. “Do you have any plans to move back?”

When she left, she said she wanted to work for this particular hospital for a few years before coming back.

“I can’t leave now. This is an amazing position.”

I bit back my question about whether it had anything to do with the new boyfriend. Maggie would only be little for so long. If she didn’t understand that, then I couldn’t explain it to her. Right now, she wasn’t in a space to listen.

“When will you be here?” I asked through clenched teeth.

“I’ll be in town in a couple of weeks. Can I stay with you?” We’d done that in the past, and she’d watch Maggie while I worked. But that wasn’t possible because Alice was staying in the only guest room. “We have a live-in nanny, so there’s no room.”

I was grateful for the excuse because I didn’t want her in my space. Not anymore.

“You hired a live-in nanny and didn’t think to clear that with me?” Her voice was shrill.

“I don’t have to clear anything with you. I have sole custody.” We’d signed that agreement shortly before she left so I’d have free rein to make healthcare and education decisions. She wasn’t always available to take calls because of her job.

“You’ve never used that against me.”

“I have work too. I have a daughter to provide for, and I need to know she’s being taken care of while I work.”

“Is she attractive?”


“I want to know her name. I have a right to know who’s watching my daughter.”

I didn’t like the idea of her looking into Alice’s background, especially when she was so private. “Alice is amazing with Maggie.”

“Are you fucking her? Are you telling Maggie lies about me?”

“That’s none of your business.” But her comment hit a little too close to home. “And you brought this on yourself. You’re the one who had to work in Maryland.”

“You didn’t need to hire a live-in nanny.”

“It’s easier for me.” Alice was exactly what Maggie and I needed in our lives.

“I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.” Then she hung up.

I didn’t like the ominous sound of that. Was she going to cause trouble for Alice? I needed Alice in my life, not only as Maggie’s caretaker, but I was falling more for her each day. She fit in our lives seamlessly, but it was more than that. I needed her.

I wouldn’t let Felicia come between us, but I had a bad feeling about it.

“Was that your ex?” Mac asked when he came outside to check on me.

I gripped the back of my neck, trying to ease the tension there. “How could you tell?”

“I caught the tail end. She’s the only one who gets you that upset.”

“She has the power to take Maggie away.” My throat felt tight.

“No judge would do that.”

I raised a brow. “No judge would choose a mother over the father?”
