Page 93 of Tempting Love

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“That’s perfect, isn’t it?”

“I’m not sure it’s right for me. I prefer my other designs, but I know I have to create what other people want. That’s business.” I wasn’t sure why I felt so hollow admitting that.

“That’s why you should follow up with that store in Maryland. If they want marine items, it’d be a good fit.”

“I will.” If Savannah thought my designs were that desirable, then she could pay a bit more to get them to her.

It was hard to think of my work as having value to anyone besides my family, but Sam was slowly bringing me around to the idea.

“The best part was she said I could host workshops there. She has a small space in the back that she uses for storage, but she said she can clear it out and bring in some chairs. There’s already a large table.”

“That’s great.”

I flushed. “Thanks. She wants to host one soon, but it’s a lot to get ready. We need flyers and supplies, and I need a plan of action. I’ve never taught a class before.”

“You do those videos.” Sam popped the last bite of cake into his mouth.

“I do the work and explain what I’m doing. But this time, I’ll be teaching others so they can do it.” I wasn’t sure it would be easy to instruct others.

“You’ll do great, and you’ll be there to answer any questions.”

“You make it seem so easy.” I chewed my lip, wondering how he was always so confident in my abilities when I wasn’t.

“It will be great. You’ll see.”

I chewed my lip, the cake sitting heavy in my stomach. “It’s scary.”

“Anything new is, but I believe in you.”

“Yeah, Miss Alice. I believe in you too,” Maggie said, taking a large bite of her cupcake, leaving a dollop of icing on the tip of her nose.

Sam swiped it off with a napkin. “You missed some.”

There were chocolate crumbs on her cheeks, her chin, and the table.

“You’re a mess,” Sam said.

“Someone’s going to need a bath when we get home,” I said, smiling, the domestic moment squeezing my heart.

“We have to make the flyers so people know to come,” Maggie said, dodging Sam’s wadded-up napkin.

“I’d love your help.” Maggie was too young to help in any meaningful way, but some day she would be. I just hoped I’d be around to see it.

I wasn’t sure whether Sam realized it or not, but keeping our relationship from Maggie was a boundary of sorts. He was keeping up walls just like I had. He wasn’t letting me in, and maybe it was too soon, but I couldn’t stop the dread that swirled in my chest. I had a feeling Felicia’s visit would change everything.

Standing up, I gathered the trash. “We’d better clean up and head home. I’m sure you have work to do.”

“Thanks for coming by.” He scooped up Maggie, tickling her and then hanging her upside down so her hair skimmed the grass.

It was sweet, but I chided him, “Please don’t make her sick.”

He righted her immediately and set her down on her feet. “Sorry.”

Maggie’s lower lip popped out. “Again, Daddy.”

“Miss Alice is right. I don’t want to upset your tummy, but tonight when I get home, watch out.” He poked her tummy, and she giggled.

These two together were so sweet. It made me long for something more, to be part of his family, not just an employee. But the ache went deeper than that. The image of another little girl, or maybe even a boy, one with my dark hair and Sam’s blue eyes, popped into my head. Tingles erupted over my skin at the idea. It was almost too good to wish for.
