Page 103 of Love Me Like You Do

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Lola finally nodded, her cheeks flushed.

The judge stood, and the bailiff said, “This court is adjourned.”

Everyone rose as the judge filed out of the courtroom.

“What just happened?” Harrison asked.

“I filed the modification motion at the same time as the emergency, hoping this would happen.”

“And I got it?” Harrison asked in a disbelieving tone.

“Yes,” Jackson said, packing up his files.

“Can she ask for it to be changed?” I asked.

“She could, but it will come before this judge, and he’s not a fan of hers. The new court order says you have Wren this week, you’ll exchange on Sunday evening, and she’ll have Wren for one week.”

Harrison held a hand to his mouth. “I can’t believe this. It’s everything I wanted.”

“This is why I told you to be patient. I was hoping she’d do something, screw up, and we could ask for what we wanted.”

Harrison shook his head, the pain and anxiety still present in his eyes. “It sucks it had to work out this way. Not seeing Wren this weekend… I was destroyed.”

“Trust me, the judge got that. He has two young kids of his own. I’m sure he was putting himself in your position.”

Harrison had kept a tight grip on my hand ever since we sat in the courtroom, and I wasn’t letting go anytime soon.

We walked out of the courtroom, past an angry Lola, who was yelling at her attorney about what just happened.

“I can’t believe that all happened in, like, twenty minutes,” I said when we were by ourselves in the hallway.

“She hung herself with those crazy comments about you not really being together.”

“Yeah, that was nuts,” Harrison said, pulling me into his side and kissing the top of my head. I smiled up at him, pleased he’d declared his love for me in front of everyone in that courtroom.

“I’m glad you guys are happy, and you’ll be seeing Wren half the time.”

“I can’t thank you enough,” Harrison said to Jackson.

I knew the fees were high to retain an attorney, but it was worth every penny to have Wren in our lives more.

“If you have any trouble, give me a call. But you can rest easy, knowing the judge is on your side.”

Harrison shook his hand, and Jackson said, “Good luck,” to us before walking away.

I faced Harrison. “I can’t believe that just happened.”

“Which part, the change in custody, or what I said about us?”

“Both.” I was still in shock. It had all happened so fast.

“I meant every word I said. We might have started out as friends pretending to be in love, but it’s real.”

“It’s real for me too.” My heart was taking flight, and I wasn’t sure I’d get it to return to Earth anytime soon.

“I know I have some work to do to gain your trust again, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”

“You already have.” He convinced me when he was declaring his love for me in front of the judge. He’d outlined our relationship so beautifully.
