Page 107 of Love Me Like You Do

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Before we reached our gate, I stopped and moved to a secluded spot.

I looked expectedly at Wren, who curtsied and said, “Your invitation, milady.”

Everly took it carefully, looking from Wren to me. “What’s this?”

“It’s exactly what it looks like.” Everly had created an intricate invitation for a couple wanting to get married at Disney World, complete with an embossed carriage lined in blue, white, and silver.

“I made this for—” She read the names and stopped because it actually readEverly LongandHarrison Cain.

Her gaze flew to mine. “I don’t understand.”

I dropped to one knee, holding my hand out to hers. “Will you continue this fairy tale with me, with us, and tie the knot in the land where anything is possible?”

“It’s magical,” Wren added with a wide grin.

“We’re getting married at Disney World?” Everly asked, her voice filled with awe as she blinked away tears.

I stood, moving into her space. “It will be a fairy tale. The wedding planner is meeting us when we arrive so we can plan whatever you dreamed of for your wedding.” I wanted to surprise her, but I still wanted her to have everything she ever wanted.

“What about our families?” Then she cringed, and I knew she was thinking about her mother.

“I invited them. I wasn’t sure if you’d want your mother there or not, but I talked to her, told her she was only to come if she could say positive things, and if not, I’d escort her out.”

“I can’t believe you planned this without me knowing.” Then Everly’s eyes welled with tears as she gazed at the invitation. “This is beautiful.”

“You made it.” She’d drawn the invitations by hand and scanned them into a computer. Wren helped her with the business, so she knew how to go in and change the names to ours. I’d been the one to originally reach out to Everly online to request the custom invitations under the guise of being a happy bride.

Everly’s hands shook in mine. “You did this. There wasn’t another couple.”

I chuckled. “That’s right.”

“I can’t even breathe right now.” Everly’s gaze darted from us to the people at the airport.

“Just say yes, or if it’s not what you imagined, we can enjoy the parks for the week and get married later. It doesn’t have to be like this.” I’d thought about this a lot over the last few weeks, trying not to get married to the idea of a Disney wedding. Even if it’s what I wanted for Everly, she might not agree.

Everly shook her head. “This is perfect. It’s everything I would have wanted had I allowed myself to believe it was possible for me.”

I pulled her into my body, hugging her, then holding out my arm for Wren. We were a family now.

* * *

Sitting in the same row, Wren and Everly had their heads together the whole flight, talking wedding details. By the time we landed, Everly had a fairly good idea of what she wanted for her wedding.

While we were waiting for the luggage, she said, “I kind of want the carriage ride and the ballgown dress.”

I put my arm around her shoulders. “You want to feel like a princess. I don’t see anything wrong with that.”

She deserved to be spoiled after everything she’d gone through.

Everly relaxed into my side. I wanted her to let go and relax this weekend. Whatever she wanted, I’d give it to her. It was just the beginning of the rest of our lives.

When we arrived at the luxury resort, Cynthia, the wedding planner, met us with dinner and a tablet full of ideas. The girls talked, and I relaxed, watching Everly’s and Wren’s animated faces as they discussed the details. All I cared about was that I was standing at the altar when Everly walked toward me, breathtaking in her princess dress.

When Cynthia went to the bathroom, Everly said, “I’m not sure how much anything costs or what you budgeted to spend.”

I waved her off. “Don’t worry about that.”

Her brow furrowed. “Are you covering it?”
