Page 18 of Love Me Like You Do

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My dick didn’t get thefriendmemo. It was on board with the fiancée track, and I couldn’t seem to rein him in.

When thinking of my grandmother didn’t make it deflate, I said fuck it and turned on the cold water in the shower. As I stood there, shivering, I thought about Gran and Wren and everyone else in my life except for the woman sleeping in my bed.

Maybe taking nightly cold showers would be my new norm. I came out in briefs, hoping Everly wasn’t awake. I should have grabbed sweatpants before I headed into the bathroom. But Everly was already asleep. Her hands were folded under her cheek as she lay on her side, facing me. She looked so peaceful in sleep. Like she’d finally been able to put the day behind her and let go.

Pulling on worn sweats, I lay on the bed next to her and folded my arm behind my head. Resting on top of the blankets, I wondered how I’d never noticed how beautiful she was. My heart ached with the truth. She was gorgeous. Her beauty made me the constant source of ribbing in school.

My friends couldn’t believe I’d never made a move. I always said she was like a sister to me. And maybe I’d said it so often I believed it. But she wasn’t like a sister to me. Not really. I’d just ignored the truth that had been staring me in the face. Everly was the whole package: beautiful, sweet, and caring. She was amazing with Wren and my family. She was my best friend, and I was obviously attracted to her physically.

Why hadn’t she dated anyone seriously? I always figured it was her family’s circumstances that held her back. She didn’t trust men, and I didn’t blame her. I saw the aftermath of her father’s departure. It was hell for her.

With her father out of the picture, and her mother understandably depressed, I was protective of her. I might have blocked her from meeting other guys. But then she’d never expressed interest in settling down. She seemed content with spending her free time with me and Wren. I knew I’d been selfish. And now, I’d asked her to do the unthinkable. Put her life on hold and pretend to be engaged to me.

The entire situation was crazy. But it was only for a few months. Surely, I could handle a fake girlfriend in my bed for that long. Not just anyone, though. Everly Long. This gorgeous girl could have anyone if she was open to it. Why would she choose me?

I rubbed the ache in my chest. The longing for something more than I already had. What would it be like to come home to Everly every night, to figure out what was for dinner, maybe even cook together, and help Wren with her homework? We’d take turns asking Wren about her day.

I eased under the blankets, holding myself away from the inviting warmth of Everly’s body. I listened to her soft breathing, tensing each time she moved. Every once in a while, her bare leg would touch mine, and my cock would harden.

Each time it happened, I moved farther away, hoping I wouldn’t gravitate toward her in my sleep. It was ironic that the first woman I had in my bed since Wren was born was my best friend.

I woke to something tickling my nose. Was it flowers? Opening my eyes, I realized it was Everly’s hair. At the same time, I felt her satin-covered ass nestled against my crotch. My arm was wrapped around her upper body.

I attempted to lift my arm, but my fingers touched a hard peak. Her nipple? I paused, barely able to breathe for fear of waking her and her realizing I was spooning her. My best friend. My very off-limits friend.

I had no business touching her, much less being wrapped around her like she was my lifeline. I had no idea how it had happened. My body clearly had a mind of its own.

“Harrison?” Everly asked softly, turning slightly.

I moved away from her like I’d been caught doing something I shouldn’t—because I had. I moved to my back and threw an arm over my forehead. “Sorry. I must have moved in my sleep.”

She rolled to her side and brushed her hair out of her face. “It’s okay.”

Her cheeks were pink, and her hair was tousled. The way she propped herself on one elbow made one globe of her breast visible. I shouldn’t be thinking about how she’d look if she’d been thoroughly fucked. Because that was never going to happen.

I’d made a promise that this was a temporary thing, and it wouldn’t change anything between us. I couldn’t change the rules in the middle of the game.

“Are you okay?” She tipped her head slightly, her hair brushing my pillow.

“Yup.” I just hoped her gaze didn’t slide down my body to the tent in my sweatpants. I casually pulled the blankets over me.

Everly frowned. “Are you cold?”

“Mmm,” I said, not wanting to lie to her but not wanting to tell the truth either. Why had I suggested that she sleep in my too-small bed? She could easily have stayed in the guest room. Except Wren would have thought that was weird.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom.” Everly moved to scoot off the bed and then paused. “Unless you need to get in there first.”

I waved a hand at her, desperate for space. “It’s all yours.”

“Thanks.” She padded to the bathroom, the silky end of her shorts barely covering her ass.

Was she torturing me on purpose? What kind of game was she playing? The funny part was that Everly never played games with me. She never had to. She always had my attention and my heart.

Would it always be this awkward? Would we tiptoe around each other, worried to upset or offend the other? Would I need to stay away from her or sleep on the couch so she didn’t realize my morning wood was for her and not just an anomaly?

Everly returned and climbed into bed, propping her pillows against the headboard. “What do you do on Sunday mornings?”

“I make a big breakfast, and we laze around, watching cartoons and playing games.” It was always our time to spend together. I only saw Wren every other weekend.
