Page 27 of Love Me Like You Do

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“Are you worried about how the new baby will change your relationship? A new baby with Mom, and Everly here with me?”

Wren was quiet for a few seconds, mulling over my question. “It’s different.”

“Yeah?” I asked as I got down from the ladder and moved it over a few feet.

“Everly’s always been here. It’s not really a change.”

“It takes some time to get used to new things and people.”

“I don’t feel like Everly takes anything away, if that makes sense.”

“I think it does.” Everly enhanced our lives, not detracting from it or taking up unnecessary space.

We worked in silence after that until Wren decided we had to have music. With her favorite movie theme playlist queued, Wren sang and danced. I found myself joining in when I remembered the lyrics. It was funny how having kids changed you. I’d never be caught singing princess songs before I had her.

We finished the last strand just as Everly came out to announce dinner.

“Let’s see how it looks.”

The girls gasped when I hit the switch. I watched the lights reflected in their eyes as they took it in.

“It’s lovely,” Everly said at the same time Wren clasped her hands together and said, “I love them. Thank you, Daddy.”

“You’re welcome.” I hope she knew I’d do anything for her.

“Do you want to eat inside or out here?” Everly asked after a few seconds.

“Outside,” Wren and I said at the same time. It was chilly, but we were wearing jackets, and I could turn on the gas firepit.

I turned on the fire as the girls brought out the food.

As we sat down to eat, Everly said, “These lights give the backyard a whole different feel.”

“Kind of like having you move in,” I said without thinking about my words.

Everly’s eyes shone from emotion. “I love being here, too.”

“You must get lonely living in your apartment,” Wren said. Her childlike innocence eliminated any filter.

“Wren—” I warned.

“No. It’s okay. I was lonely on my own. I don’t think I realized it until I moved in with you two. It’s only been a weekend, but I love it.”

We dug into fish, sautéed spinach, and baked potatoes. It was a simple meal, but I enjoyed it more because I didn’t have to cook it myself. If it had just been me, it would probably have been chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. Having Everly here made life more enjoyable.

After dinner, we helped Everly clear the dishes before returning to the backyard where Wren danced to the music still playing. Eventually, Wren convinced Everly to join her.

It was the perfect fall evening. Cool enough for a jacket and a fire, but not unbearably so.

“Come on, Dad.” Wren gestured at me to join them.

I got up reluctantly. “I don’t know about this.”

Just then, a slow song came on, and Wren declared she needed to go to the bathroom.

“Was that on purpose?” I asked Everly as I drew her into my arms.

She came willingly, standing close to my body as we swayed to the music.
