Page 37 of Love Me Like You Do

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“I think everyone likes that.”

I was impressed with Wren’s insightfulness. Was it what Everly was missing? Why she said she was lonely in her apartment? She had friends, but I knew they were starting to pair off themselves. Her mother was deeply hurt by her father’s leaving, and I wasn’t sure she’d ever recovered. Everly spent more time with my family than with her mother. Maybe she didn’t feel loved. How would Wren feel if I didn’t make the effort to see her? Unlovable? Unworthy of anyone’s time and attention?

I couldn’t believe an eight-year-old could see the situation so clearly. “I think you’re on to something, Wren.”

I got out and helped her out of the backseat, carrying her book bag to the door.

I rang the doorbell, and we waited for Lola to answer.

“I think Everly is lonely.”

“We’ll need to treat her extra special for a while so she knows she’s loved and wanted.”

“Yeah, I don’t want her to be sad.”

I squatted in front of her, needing her to know how I felt. “You’re the best kid. You’re kind and sweet. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” she said just as George opened the door.

“George. How are you?” I straightened to my full height.

“Good. Good. How was dinner?” he asked as Wren stepped through the doorway.

Each time I had to leave her, a piece of my heart broke off and went with her. I hated it.

“Great. We’re going to write a fairy tale.” Wren disappeared, probably to find her mother.

George’s lips quirked. “A fairy tale, huh?”

I sighed, not wanting to share my plan for Everly with him. “Yeah, it’s a long story.”

“I bet. See you next Wednesday,” he said, starting to shut the door.

“Actually. Do you think I could talk to Lola real quick?” I wanted to talk about basketball before the sign-ups were posted.

George shook his head, one hand still on the door. “She’s lying down. Not feeling well with the baby due soon.”

The baby was due in a couple of weeks. Around Thanksgiving. “No worries. I’ll call her another day to discuss it.”

“No problem.” Then he shut the door, and my heart cracked a little more. I hated leaving Wren, even though I knew it was good for her to spend time with both of us.

A week with me and one with her mother wasn’t that much to ask. It would be ideal when Lola and George’s baby came. It would give them time alone with the baby and Wren extra time with me and Everly. Wren might feel neglected when the baby came. Not that Lola would intend for that to happen; it was just reality. Babies took more time and energy than older kids. I remembered what it was like when my baby sister was born.

I’m sure my parents didn’t even realize it, but they were on edge because of the lack of sleep and Sage’s constant crying, and they griped with each other because of it. It wasn’t a pleasant time in my household. Once they figured out she had acid reflux, things got better. Then Sage smiled for the first time, and I fell in love for the first time. Sage and I’d been close since. Maybe she’d have good advice on how to reach Everly.

Treating Everly like the princess she was, was a good start. I just wasn’t sure how to prove I wouldn’t leave her like her father had unless I went all in. Things with her already felt different than with any other girl I’d been with. And I didn’t think it was just because she’d moved in with me.

I liked her. First, as a friend, and now, as something more. There was this chemistry simmering between us, and I couldn’t wait to explore it. I had a feeling we’d be explosive together. Maybe it was our history, but I think we’d been pushing this attraction for each other down deep for years, and I was ready to explore it.



Ever since Harrison’s declaration about showing me fairy tales exist, he found every opportunity to touch me. A brush of his body while I was cooking, a hand flung over the back of the couch when we watched TV. And his touch wasn’tfriendly. Each one sent a tingle of fireworks along my skin.

Was he doing it on purpose? Because he was quick with a wink, and his dimple always made an appearance when he smiled at me. It was like he was drawing me in.

“You ready for the wedding?” Harrison asked at breakfast on Saturday morning while he was whipping up eggs with bacon. He enjoyed making big breakfasts, and I prepared dinner.
